deMoMo628 Member


  • I'm in Rochester, NY - so my workouts the past few days have been shoveling!
  • Thank you all! I'm going to look into these. I'm excited!
  • Be sure to take good care of yourself. I pushed myself too hard after I started chemo and landed myself in the hospital. After that I embraced my recliner and my remote control, and let other people take care of me! And radiation will definitely run you down. Thank you for the offer - I might just take you up on that! Do…
  • Hi there - I just joined the site, and am also a breast cancer survivor. I was diagnosed May 29, 2012 and finished the bulk of my treatment in April of this year. I am still going every 3 weeks for Herceptin treatments, but compared to what I've already been through, those are a breeze! I have a lot of weight to lose. But…