KendraLF Member


  • Feeling pretty good about the last 5 days, not perfect, but I haven't felt like throwing in the towel. So I'm off to a good start. Last week was a little off with the gym closed on monday and my son getting a couple teeth pulled on tuesday, then work wednesday and thursday, so... I was able to just focus on my eating.…
  • Thanks for the advice and support. I know what you mean, I have to have substitutes of some sort, today it was yogurt and chocolate rice cakes, not exactly great, but way better than the cookies I've been eating for the past week. I'm thinking if I can stick to these goals, and detox a bit I may allow ONE special sweet…
  • Well I have been slacking off horribly this past month, I manage to eat well for about 2-3 days, then it all falls apart again. So I promised myself that since it's the start of a new month, I would start all over today and make some new goals. All out this time, no excuses! I have still been getting in a few good…
  • Way to go! I love that you actually put on your goal jeans! With that as motivation you'll be fitting in them in no time!
  • I would set it at lightly active or active, the way I understand it is that you have to be moving most of the day, say 8hrs on your feet to consider it active, very active being a very strenous job that you actually work up a sweat doing. Plus this way you aren't overcalculating your calorie burn. And if you feel like you…
  • Survived a new fitness class today! Body Pump, anyone else tried it? I have wanted to do this for awhile, and decided it was time. It was a brutal workout. Never before have I felt myself getting so mentally upset during a workout. It's not that the workout was impossible, it just seemed to push me a lot harder than I…
  • We definately seem to be fighting the same issues. I like the positve outlook you are taking and the determination behind it! That attitude alone will get you far! That's exactly where I was a month ago, and got way too comfortable. Hoping that my next couple of workouts will help get me back to that mindset! I like the…
  • I'm working on setting some new goals. I have just not yet figured out what will get my motivation back. I like the idea of weekly goals, maybe just taking one week at a time will help. Thinking for a couple weeks might have to throw in a couple extra evening workouts. I think my first weekly goal will be to stop snacking…
  • Well, here goes, I've been using this site for 75 days now, and this is the first time I have posted on anything. Started logging everything with a friend, but we both seem to have lost our motivation. I tend to slack off too much when I'm not held accountable, so thought maybe it was time for a bigger support system.…