
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    Well the weekend is here, and with the weekend comes drinks!!! (I work in a night club)
    I have not made the best choices with drinks - Bailey's!! I LOVE Bailey's, have not had many really, I think tonight I will try to have vodka and pineapple juice instead, I HATE diet coke and normal coke, so this is the next best choice.
    I have been doing my shred dvd daily, and been keeping my food choices to my food plan, so I feel like I'm doing ok.
    I've lost a pound or so but I was expecting that as I gained about 3 during TOM :huh:

    With it being bank holiday weekend - again, I have some extra work, so I'll be working tonight and then again on tuesday.
    This will keep me busy and the extra money will be useful, since my car insurance has gone up for no reason at all :grumble:

    My son is off school next week, so we will be able to have lots of bike rides and walks, I will also have a run while he rides his scooter, plus I will make sure I get my shred dvd's and turbo jam dvd's in too.
    I've been feeling a bit tired lately, and this break will help me catch up on sleep and get some rest :yawn:

    Next week I MUST make sure I stay to my eating plan and get my exercise in, I don't think I'll have enough days together to detox, I was planning a little two day one but I have a few appointments and friends coming over so I think I will have to postpone the detox till the following week.
    It's even more important that I stick to my food plan and calorie allowance each day as I really want to test this out and see if it helps keep my weight stable.

    Good luck to everyone this weekend, I hope your all doing great :flowerforyou:
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I have been eating to much stuff with gluten or traces of gluten. Blah! Been sick to my tummy a lot. But its all ok. Need to work harder on building more lean muscle.
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I havn't posted in awhile but I'm still trying to get these last few pounds off. Started really last Tuesday to work extra hard with eating clean. I did really well all week, even deined buttered popcorn at the movie on Friday night, but Saturday was a little tougher. I was just craving sweets!!! I had some chocolate and a glass of wine, I went way over my calories as Saturday is my rest day. I'm back at it again today. I just wish I could gain more control on the weekends. I think I need to have a plan to get through the weekend. I think I'm going to try to make your flap jacks this weekend Mel, maybe that will do the trick!!!!

    Here's to another great week!!!!! Happy Monday!
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    OK- Back from the conference (finally!) and let's just say the plan crashed and burned. I did manage to go work out twice (even though I was hungover). Food however was impossible to keep track of since we were eating out constantly and I don't even want to try to estimate how much I drank. Also, it was super annoying to have such little internet access so I wasn't even able to log on. Back on the wagon today!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I have been eating to much stuff with gluten or traces of gluten. Blah! Been sick to my tummy a lot. But its all ok. Need to work harder on building more lean muscle.

    Aww gluten can be a real problem :cry:
    Hope your feeling better :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I havn't posted in awhile but I'm still trying to get these last few pounds off. Started really last Tuesday to work extra hard with eating clean. I did really well all week, even deined buttered popcorn at the movie on Friday night, but Saturday was a little tougher. I was just craving sweets!!! I had some chocolate and a glass of wine, I went way over my calories as Saturday is my rest day. I'm back at it again today. I just wish I could gain more control on the weekends. I think I need to have a plan to get through the weekend. I think I'm going to try to make your flap jacks this weekend Mel, maybe that will do the trick!!!!

    Here's to another great week!!!!! Happy Monday!

    Hi Rhonda!!! :flowerforyou:

    I think your doing amazing, I always see how hard you work out, your like a machine!!!
    Your doing so great, stick with it I'm sure you will see some results on Friday when you weigh in, I really think your doing everything right and will get there, not long till your holiday now!!!

    I really hope you like the flapjacks, they are a great treat for when I need a sweet tooth fix!!! They are healthy too!! :love:

    I can't wait to hear how you do on Friday!!! Have a great week xxxx
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    OK- Back from the conference (finally!) and let's just say the plan crashed and burned. I did manage to go work out twice (even though I was hungover). Food however was impossible to keep track of since we were eating out constantly and I don't even want to try to estimate how much I drank. Also, it was super annoying to have such little internet access so I wasn't even able to log on. Back on the wagon today!

    Awww hunny!!

    Don't feel bad, sometimes life - And work- get in the way of our plans, its not easy when we are away from home and also working away, it's difficult because you have to go with the flow. We do understand :flowerforyou:
    You can start a fresh now this week, I'm sure you'll feel better this week knowing your logging again and able to make better choices.
    Hopefully you'll have more time to work out and will be able to get back on track :smile:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well my lovelies :flowerforyou:

    It has been another long bank holiday weekend for me, I worked an extra 2 nights, and have barely been at home, feel wiped out :yawn:

    BUT I have 2 days off now so me and my son, Jack, are going to have a nice break and do a few fun things.
    I am hoping to take him to the cinema this week and next Monday I'm taking him to the zoo!!!
    Jack :heart: 's animals!!!

    I have done reasonably well with my eating plan but as always being away from home makes it difficult to eat the right stuff, I have had PIZZA!!! and chocolate this week, but I have stayed pretty close to my calories this week, only going slightly over one or two days, I have also not had time to log all my activities so I have not been exactly sure how I have done.
    I have weighed in most days and I am more or less maintaining, I must work harder with my exercise and eat better, but I'm glad my eating plan does seem to keep my weight pretty stable.

    I will keep going with my plan and see how it goes for another few weeks, so far so good!!!!

    Good luck with you goals this week everyone!!! xxx :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • KendraLF
    KendraLF Posts: 9 Member
    Well I have been slacking off horribly this past month, I manage to eat well for about 2-3 days, then it all falls apart again. So I promised myself that since it's the start of a new month, I would start all over today and make some new goals. All out this time, no excuses! I have still been getting in a few good workouts, it's really the diet that I need to work on. So.... Goals for this week are...
    1. Stay under calorie goals!
    2. Less carb! More protein!
    3. Water, water, water! I usually try to fill my bottle 3 times a day, about 96oz.
    4. Detox from sweets... no cookies, cakes, candy, or ice cream!
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    OK- Back from the conference (finally!) and let's just say the plan crashed and burned. I did manage to go work out twice (even though I was hungover). Food however was impossible to keep track of since we were eating out constantly and I don't even want to try to estimate how much I drank. Also, it was super annoying to have such little internet access so I wasn't even able to log on. Back on the wagon today!

    Awww hunny!!

    Don't feel bad, sometimes life - And work- get in the way of our plans, its not easy when we are away from home and also working away, it's difficult because you have to go with the flow. We do understand :flowerforyou:
    You can start a fresh now this week, I'm sure you'll feel better this week knowing your logging again and able to make better choices.
    Hopefully you'll have more time to work out and will be able to get back on track :smile:

    Thanks for the support. I've already put it behind me! I was so excited to go back to my boring eating after all those meals out and low and behold there was nothing in the refrigerator this morning when I woke up (literally nothing- no milk, bread, no eggs) so I was left to eating a piece of leftover pizza. However, I didn't let it start a downward spiral and ended up keeping far far under my calories. Now to find time to go to the gym!
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    Well I have been slacking off horribly this past month, I manage to eat well for about 2-3 days, then it all falls apart again. So I promised myself that since it's the start of a new month, I would start all over today and make some new goals. All out this time, no excuses! I have still been getting in a few good workouts, it's really the diet that I need to work on. So.... Goals for this week are...
    1. Stay under calorie goals!
    2. Less carb! More protein!
    3. Water, water, water! I usually try to fill my bottle 3 times a day, about 96oz.
    4. Detox from sweets... no cookies, cakes, candy, or ice cream!

    Wow those are some good goals! If you're going to give up something entirely (like sweets) I would make sure you give yourself some healthy replacements, like fruit and yogurt, otherwise you might end up sabotaging yourself. Just a tip from someone who's tried unsuccessfully for the better part of a decade to stop eating fast food... I've found I do much better if I make sure I'm eating lots of salt (like turkey jerkey) to combat the cravings.

    Good luck!
  • KendraLF
    KendraLF Posts: 9 Member
    Well I have been slacking off horribly this past month, I manage to eat well for about 2-3 days, then it all falls apart again. So I promised myself that since it's the start of a new month, I would start all over today and make some new goals. All out this time, no excuses! I have still been getting in a few good workouts, it's really the diet that I need to work on. So.... Goals for this week are...
    1. Stay under calorie goals!
    2. Less carb! More protein!
    3. Water, water, water! I usually try to fill my bottle 3 times a day, about 96oz.
    4. Detox from sweets... no cookies, cakes, candy, or ice cream!

    Wow those are some good goals! If you're going to give up something entirely (like sweets) I would make sure you give yourself some healthy replacements, like fruit and yogurt, otherwise you might end up sabotaging yourself. Just a tip from someone who's tried unsuccessfully for the better part of a decade to stop eating fast food... I've found I do much better if I make sure I'm eating lots of salt (like turkey jerkey) to combat the cravings.

    Good luck!

    Thanks for the advice and support. I know what you mean, I have to have substitutes of some sort, today it was yogurt and chocolate rice cakes, not exactly great, but way better than the cookies I've been eating for the past week. I'm thinking if I can stick to these goals, and detox a bit I may allow ONE special sweet treat a week. I cut everything out for a couple months, and look where that got me, I spent the next month making up for lost time. Lol! It's always the sweets that get me!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    OK- Back from the conference (finally!) and let's just say the plan crashed and burned. I did manage to go work out twice (even though I was hungover). Food however was impossible to keep track of since we were eating out constantly and I don't even want to try to estimate how much I drank. Also, it was super annoying to have such little internet access so I wasn't even able to log on. Back on the wagon today!

    Awww hunny!!

    Don't feel bad, sometimes life - And work- get in the way of our plans, its not easy when we are away from home and also working away, it's difficult because you have to go with the flow. We do understand :flowerforyou:
    You can start a fresh now this week, I'm sure you'll feel better this week knowing your logging again and able to make better choices.
    Hopefully you'll have more time to work out and will be able to get back on track :smile:

    Thanks for the support. I've already put it behind me! I was so excited to go back to my boring eating after all those meals out and low and behold there was nothing in the refrigerator this morning when I woke up (literally nothing- no milk, bread, no eggs) so I was left to eating a piece of leftover pizza. However, I didn't let it start a downward spiral and ended up keeping far far under my calories. Now to find time to go to the gym!

    Your welcome!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    This is exactly the way to deal with things, WELL DONE!!!
    I hate it when we try our best but there is literally no choice, but you turned it around and still stayed under your daily limit!!!
    That is wicked!!! Keep up the good work!!! :tongue:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well I have been slacking off horribly this past month, I manage to eat well for about 2-3 days, then it all falls apart again. So I promised myself that since it's the start of a new month, I would start all over today and make some new goals. All out this time, no excuses! I have still been getting in a few good workouts, it's really the diet that I need to work on. So.... Goals for this week are...
    1. Stay under calorie goals!
    2. Less carb! More protein!
    3. Water, water, water! I usually try to fill my bottle 3 times a day, about 96oz.
    4. Detox from sweets... no cookies, cakes, candy, or ice cream!

    Ahhh Sounds so much like my own promises to myself!!!
    I'm sure you'll see some great results if you can stick to it this month.:bigsmile:
    Water water water, I need to get a grip on this too. I find it so easy to forget about it.

    Well we are getting closer to summer, ''JUNE'' sounds like summer to me, but the weather here is anything but, grey and wet and miserable today :frown:
    We're going shopping today, I've promised my son a day of looking at toys and maybe a small pressie, so I will have to be careful to eat sensibly when we are out, and also not allow myself to buy ANY COOKIES!!!
    I love the freshly baked cookies in the shopping centres, they are sooooooo lovely, I always get Jack one on a stick and have to resist them myself!!! Wish me luck with that!!!

    Good luck with all your goals this month, I'm sure you'll do great :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello Everyone!! :smile:

    Well it's Friday and another weekend is here!!

    I hope everyone has done great this week and is looking forward to a lovely weekend.
    I will be away this weekend, working as usual. But I'm determined to keep to my goal this weekend, I have packed some protein powder and protein flapjacks, and will make sure I choose carefully when I eat lunch out!!
    Also I will be cutting back on the baileys too!! :huh:

    This week my son has been off school, we've had two lovely lazy days and enjoyed some shopping and time chilling out at home.
    On Monday Jack has a teacher training day so I have decided it's the perfect day to take him to the zoo as it'll be really quiet there and we'll be able to see everything without crowds and queues!!
    I can't wait to watch him feeding the elephants and giraffes again!! Will be a lovely last day to our half term break, Tuesday will be back to the old routine, and I MUST run!!

    If anyone fancies joining me to a running challenge please let me know, I really must knuckle down and get back to running 3-4 times a week, I find it so hard to get started again, have felt pretty tired and run down lately and I keep putting it off but I know this is the answer to getting to my goal so I must get cracking, I think we probably only have another month or so before it'll be really warm here and I want to where shorts!! :wink:

  • KendraLF
    KendraLF Posts: 9 Member
    Feeling pretty good about the last 5 days, not perfect, but I haven't felt like throwing in the towel. So I'm off to a good start. Last week was a little off with the gym closed on monday and my son getting a couple teeth pulled on tuesday, then work wednesday and thursday, so... I was able to just focus on my eating. Tomorrow morning I will be getting back into my gym routine! Goals for this week are...
    1. Keep up with the water!
    2. Stay within my calorie goals at least 5 out of 7 days, I know I will go over at least once on the weekend, so instead of feeling guilty I'm going to pre plan for it, and do the workouts to make up for it.
    3. Swim laps at least one day
    4. Get on my bike at least one day
    5. Run at least 1 mile twice

    I'm ready to achieve my goals!

    How did everyone else do this weekend? Hope everyone is doing well and if not, tomorrow is a new day and you can start again. It might take a millon starts, but if we keep at it the end result will be worth it!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Feeling pretty good about the last 5 days, not perfect, but I haven't felt like throwing in the towel. So I'm off to a good start. Last week was a little off with the gym closed on monday and my son getting a couple teeth pulled on tuesday, then work wednesday and thursday, so... I was able to just focus on my eating. Tomorrow morning I will be getting back into my gym routine! Goals for this week are...
    1. Keep up with the water!
    2. Stay within my calorie goals at least 5 out of 7 days, I know I will go over at least once on the weekend, so instead of feeling guilty I'm going to pre plan for it, and do the workouts to make up for it.
    3. Swim laps at least one day
    4. Get on my bike at least one day
    5. Run at least 1 mile twice

    I'm ready to achieve my goals!

    How did everyone else do this weekend? Hope everyone is doing well and if not, tomorrow is a new day and you can start again. It might take a millon starts, but if we keep at it the end result will be worth it!

    Wow sounds like a good plan!!
    Well done for doing your best last week :drinker:

    Can't wait to hear the results you get for all your efforts :wink:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello all :drinker:

    Another busy weekend, packed with pink wine and treats everywhere :noway: I did pretty good at sticking to 2 glasses of wine each night and planned my food reasonable well over the weekend.
    I have a healthy filled baguette for dinner on saturday, which was about the best choice available to me, everything else was fast food junk, I was pleased to see my weight basically didn't move all weekend.
    On sunday morning I had a chance to get out and run so I did!!!
    My first run in a good month or more, I did just 10 minutes running and a nice walk warm up /cool down to make sure I didn't get aches and injuries, I was really pleased I made the effort and did it, I MUST stop whimping out and just get my running done.

    Today I had promised myself another run, which I did, this time 15 minutes plus warm up/cool down walks.
    I found today a little bit easier than the sunday one, not so much of a shock to the system!!
    Tomorrow I will run again and do at least 15 minutes running, I'm building it up again slowly, I really don't want to get an injury as this sets me back so I think it's wise to build up time and get back to to 30-45minute runs when my body is more used to it again.
    I'm just glad I have been able to do this so far and not feel like I've had to start over again from scratch.
    I think I will be able to run for 30minutes plus in the next week or so, but at the moment I want to just make sure I run a minimum of 3 times a week, and get back into the habit of running regularly again.

    This week my goal is to get back into running, that is my main goal, I want to run at least 4 times this week.
    I am also sticking to my food plan reasonably well, I will keep trying to stick to this as best I can.
    And I will also add some sit ups and weights this week, I really must get back into doing them more regularly.
    I still love the shred and will keep doing that too, but running is top of the list this week!!

    I took my son to the zoo with a friend yesterday, he had a lot of treats!! But with all the walking we did I still was basically under, I was planning to enjoy the day and have a naughty lunch out. We also had pizza and wine when we got home, and played the wii!! Was fun!!!

    tomorrow I will weigh in and see what the damage has been!! Fingers crossed not too much, I will run more or do an extra workout if my weight has shot up!!

    I hope your all doing really well and everyone had a top weekend!!! :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Well It's Friday again!!! :tongue:

    What is everyone's plans for the weekend?
    I will be away from home again this weekend, I'm taking a bag of healthy goodies to keep me on track.
    I will do my best to eat well if I eat out and stay away from the baileys too!!! :laugh:

    I have good news to report!!! :bigsmile:
    I did 4 runs in the last week, sunday, tuesday, thursday and today!! :noway:
    So I'm really pleased with myself, I thought I might not manage it when my son got sick with a tummy bug on wednesday and had two days off school but by thursday night he was well enough to go to his kick boxing class again so I got to run!! :wink:

    So... this week I did 10 minutes, 15 minutes, 20 minutes and then 10 minutes today, so I'm really pleased I managed to do this, and it's been fine, I've fit it in quite easily and think it's quite possible to do as an ongoing thing.
    I will be able to build my times up later on but for now the main thing is I get out and run 3-4 times a week even if the run is only 10 minutes long, I still make a point to get out and run.
    I want running to be a part of my normal life. That is my goal.

    I have done ok with food this week but since the zoo trip on monday I've had a terrible sweet tooth again so have had the odd treat but that will be stopping on monday when I detox.
    My weight has slipped up to 111.8 today so I must stop the sugar asap.
    Working away will help if I make good choices as I never log all the dancing walking and standing that I do at work, so I always burn some off there.

    Monday I will be doing a 3 day detox. I feel ready for one!! I need to cut all the sugar and bad carbs out and get back to basics for a few days, always makes me feel much better afterwards!!

    I hope everyone has a great weekend :flowerforyou:
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member

    :heart: you!

    Hi everyone else in the group!

    I have been away on a course so I havent logged in to this group for a while! I completely forgot about this challenge until I saw it as my reminder today!

    I am going to definitely try and stay away from junk foods this weekend. I am "usually" pretty good during the week, and happen to eat out on the weekends so I have to watch that, and also add in more exericise on the weekends as well, instead of just doing house chores and then resting for 2 days and not being very active!

    I am also going to post my weight here once a week for a reminder, and also if I post it, I am making myself accountable to the group!

    So today I am: 135.6! My goal is to get back to the 120's and then my final goal is to get back to 120!

    Goals for this weekend:
    1) 60 min cardio on both days, 30 mins resistance training on one of the days
    2) No eating out!
    3) Experiment with increasing protein and decreasing carbs!

    I hope you all have a great weekend!
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