

  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    So is any one on a specific type of diet? What are your eating habits? I'd like to get input!!!

    Well... I usually eat pretty healthy stuff, I cook most meals from scratch and always read the labels of everything before I buy.
    I don't eat any bad sweeteners or artificial rubbish, I also avoid all items with MSG in.

    I have recently started on a new self written food plan, eating items which encourage fat burning.
    The list is not very long and it excludes pretty much all processed foods, it only allows a few good carbs which I have selected for their weight loss properties.
    I will be following this food plan from Friday onwards to see how it works, I can share this with people if it is successful but it needs testing out fully first to see how it works.
    I have been using it for a month but not very religiously, I need to knuckle down and stick to it properly to see how well it works, but in the last month I have pretty much maintained my weight perfectly even with a good few treats and bad choices, a few dinners out and naughty ideas.
    Usually this would have me gaining loads of weight but I think the fat burning foods have helped me keep the weight off during the good days. I shall keep you all posted on how I do with this and share the information with you if it's working!!!

    So what are your habits like?
    Do you have goals that you need to reach with food?

    My biggest weakness is biscuits!!! If I could give these up without replacing them for something else bad then I'd have been at my goal ages ago!!
    This will be a goal for me over the next few months - NO BISCUITS OR COOKIES!!!

    I have an absolute horrible sweet tooth. I have started back with phase 1 of southbeach. I have done this before and it really does help with my sweet tooth once i am about 2 weeks into it. Bad thing is that I like to have at least 1 day a week to go out and enjoy a dinner out.
    I got totally out of my routine when my husband came home from his deployment. Our eating was horrible!!! He will eat what I cook in the evenings, so that isn't too much of a problem. But he has had to take care of the meals since I am on crutches :angry:

    Sweet tooth!! I think that should have been my middle name!!
    You right, any higher protein diet and cutting right back on sugar really helps with cravings for sweet stuff but it takes a while to kick in, I experienced this with the fat burning list too, I felt after a few day much more able to resist my usual downfalls and after a week or two I pretty much lost my desire for them, Amazing really!!

    Such a shame about your foot, I hope you'll be all better soon :flowerforyou:
    I bet your itching to be mobile and able to run again?!

    So ready to be able to get active again!! At least I'm doing baby steps, getting my eating under control. Then easing back into running and lifting. I have 5 weeks before I can start the elliptical and bike. I have to wait another 11 weeks before I can run again :(

    OMG 11 weeks seems like such a long time away, I think I would go nuts. I hope your holding out ok.
    At least we can focus on healthy food choices for now and maybe you can do the weights and anything else that would still be safe, but it must be difficult to find suitable exercises. Would you be able to do any yoga stuff, like maybe some of the floor work?
    Just trying to think what you could do!!

    So do you have a food plan? Or you following a low sugar, or high protein or maybe just basically cutting out the bad stuff for now?
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    I could use some support. Count me in!

  • msenior
    msenior Posts: 171 Member
    I'm in.:laugh: I would love to drop a dress size for my birthday.:explode:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    ok Mel, you know Im in - today Im going to take control and stop letting it control me ... Im going to do your detox for a few days, but not so strict, so a variation of it, to attempt to get back on track.

    It seems I was super strong until I had my hen weekend then it all went out the window - I should still be strong cos wedding is in August, but I've lost the willpower - but today Im going to dig it up from wherever it's hiding and make it work.

    I've not weighed since before I went to Salou and had finally hit the 9 stones, with a struggle after doing your detox, very, very seriously ... 9 stone 12, it was amazing feeling - but I have not weighed since, and truth be told Im probably heading back up towards 10 stone 7 .. cos I put it on sooooo quickly - but today it stops, if I were seriously good today and going forward, I could drop those 7 pounds like a hot potato - but Im still not going to weigh, when I start feeling thinner again, with the help of this group, which should only be a few days, I'll weigh and see what damage I've done.

    Are we recording weights and things like that or is it really a support group .. are we having aims, objectives, or just to get thin for Summer, which is good enough for me

    ooooh .. IM gonna need all the help I can get !!!!


    Hi Tracey!!!! :heart:

    Great to see you here my lovely!!!! :drinker: :drinker:

    I know JUST how hard you have worked, you have done AMAZINGLY in the last few months, I think you have worked so hard for so long that mentally you feel you need a break, I found that I needed a break after new year, I was just tired of watching everything I eat and excluding myself from certain foods, I still kept logging food daily but I definitely slacked off with the healthier options, and started having a few more treats.

    I think it probably did me good to have a little break, plus a few treats and because I had no real goal at that time I found it easy to say oh I'll detox tomorrow.... I'll be better tomorrow .... that pizza won't hurt really ... :laugh:

    BUT your wedding is not far away and I know you want to be in the best possible shape!!!
    I'm absolutely positive that you will look gorgeous and your new hubby will be ever so proud of you, however I think it's really important you get to your goal FOR YOU!!! So you can be really happy with yourself, I understand that!!

    So lets start today!!!! I'm up for it girl!!!!

    The way I was planning on doing this group is whatever works for each person, Whatever your weakness is try to tackle it here, if it helps to put down weight and/or measurements then please do, if you would rather keep that private then we understand.

    I think for some of us it'll be great to have a place where we can write '' TODAY I WILL NOT EAT BISCUITS!!!''
    My personal example!!!
    And then I can report back later that evening ( PROUDLY) that I managed the whole day without a single bite of a biscuit!! :tongue:
    Somewhere that we can be accountable for TODAY'S actions, each day WILL make a difference in a month, each day WILL make a bigger difference in 2 months, and this is what so many of us need to get into our heads - myself included, those little slip ups are what is keeping so many of us from reaching our goals.

    I KNOW I should be at my ideal weight now, and I KNOW it's the biscuits than have ruined it for me, I have ALLOWED that to happen and I need to get control, each day, even if I have a little slip up, all is not lost, I start again next meal, make it better, make up for it with exercise or rearrange my dinner to accommodate any unexpected calories.
    There is nearly always a way to put it right, even if it means exercise those cals off the next day... So over the week it balances out :noway: Something can always be done. We must try.

    Many people like to work out their food in advance and try to stick to it, this can be a real help - planning meals to fit your daily goals, they might feel like listing their meals here, I know a lot of us like to keep our diary's private now to avoid unnecessary questions.

    Some of us are struggling with daily exercise and this can be the place where you say OUT LOUD to all of us that TODAY I WILL RUN, TODAY I WILL DO YOGA, TODAY I WILL GO TO THE GYM, what ever your thing, and then you can come back and let us all know that you did it, we can keep tabs on each other and if people need encouraging then we can do that.

    The other big important one I often miss is WATER!!! I manage it sometimes but others, like this week, I just haven't wanted any, I know this effects my weight loss progress. So we can even promise to drink out recommended daily amount of water.

    I think all of us should have at least one goal, if that is just to get 6lbs off then great, but within that we can also look at diet and exercise and see how we can improve to help us keep that weight off. It'll all help in the long run, after all maintenance is the hardest part!!! :huh:

    What ever works for you, whatever you want to be accountable for, as much or as little as you need.

    I personally will be using my ticker and updating it daily - starting tomorrow - I will weigh in daily, and I will exercise daily.
    I also will try to eat very healthy unprocessed food, increase protein, decrease bad carbs and sugar and drink my damn water!!! :embarassed:

    I also am giving up biscuits and chocolate. I have decided to replace these with home made protein flapjacks -one a day - and sugar free chocolate - 2 squares a day at most, but the chocolate will be reserved for TOM and other difficult times when I really need a sweet tooth hit - NOT everyday!!!
    Plus following my food list I think I should be able to maintain this weeks loss and hopefully lose a little more each week too.
    I know that occasionally I will eat out and I need to choose carefully and will try to stick to things that are similar to those on my food list, but there will be times when that is impossible, I just have to get right back on track asap.

    Can't wait to get started!!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Let us know your goals and where you want to be!!!

  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    hello!! i am in!!! 6 pounds to my goal weight!!! lets do this...nice idea mel :)

    YAY!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Hi Louise, lovely to have you with us!!!

    6lbs should be do able!!! I know your on a new exercise program this week, the 6 week 6 pack, hope it's going well!!!

    LET'S GO!!!!!! :laugh:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I Think we sould allll carry a fruit (apple or orange) or whatever ur in the mood for,,,in ur pocket or ur purse !!! Lottsa Luck,,,,,,to allll!!! Have a GREAT DAY!!!!! :flowerforyou: 7485823.png
    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools

    Hi there :flowerforyou:

    Lovely to see you here!!

    That is a really good idea, I take an apple in the car to work with me when I think I might be tempted by a hot chocolate form the service station on the way home!!!
    Much healthier choice and also seems to make my stomach feel nice too!!!

    What are you goals for the next few months?

    Mel :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I could use some support. Count me in!


    Hey :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Nice to see some guys joining too!!! Great stuff!!

    So what are your goals for he next few months? :smile:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'm in.:laugh: I would love to drop a dress size for my birthday.:explode:

    Hello!!!! :bigsmile:

    Lovely to have you with us!!!

    So when is your birthday? :flowerforyou:
  • KendraLF
    KendraLF Posts: 9 Member
    Survived a new fitness class today! Body Pump, anyone else tried it? I have wanted to do this for awhile, and decided it was time. It was a brutal workout. Never before have I felt myself getting so mentally upset during a workout. It's not that the workout was impossible, it just seemed to push me a lot harder than I would normally push myself. I have no problem getting in my cardio, but this class really hit my target problem areas. I know weight lifting should be a part of everyone's routine, but it seems to be the thing I always save for last and that means it doesn't always get done. Going to try and fit it in a couple times a week for awhile and see how my body responds (although I'm guessing it will be with a slight waddle for the first few days, squats and lunges are my weakness)! Now hopefully I can still manage to run tomorrow. I'm liking this page already, I feel a lot more motivated today, just simply by having others to share it with! Anyone else got any bragging rights they wanna put out there today?
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Survived a new fitness class today! Body Pump, anyone else tried it? I have wanted to do this for awhile, and decided it was time. It was a brutal workout. Never before have I felt myself getting so mentally upset during a workout. It's not that the workout was impossible, it just seemed to push me a lot harder than I would normally push myself. I have no problem getting in my cardio, but this class really hit my target problem areas. I know weight lifting should be a part of everyone's routine, but it seems to be the thing I always save for last and that means it doesn't always get done. Going to try and fit it in a couple times a week for awhile and see how my body responds (although I'm guessing it will be with a slight waddle for the first few days, squats and lunges are my weakness)! Now hopefully I can still manage to run tomorrow. I'm liking this page already, I feel a lot more motivated today, just simply by having others to share it with! Anyone else got any bragging rights they wanna put out there today?

    Hi :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Well done!! Sounds like a really great workout!!! I've never done it myself but sounds wicked!!
    Glad to hear you have done really well today, I think I should also do weights daily, or more often at least, I seem to get around to it once or twice a week, I know I see results fast when I stick to it regularly but it's difficult to get into the habit of it.

    I have been really good today, I have been detoxing for 4 days, this is my last day, I always feel tired and try to keep exercise to a minimum, I usually just like to do some Yoga or take a nice relaxing walk, but today I promised myself I would have a good long walk, I did a 6.5k walk in just over an hour, which I was pretty pleased with!!!
    I also have to finish my hoovering!! Another thing I promised myself I would do today!!

    Tomorrow I will weigh in and reset my ticker to the new weight then I'm going to weigh in daily and update my ticker daily, I'm hoping this will keep me more focused daily, I need to get serious about this :wink:

    I can't wait to have some 'normal' food tomorrow!!
    But will be sticking to a new food plan which I will be testing out for a month, if it's successful I will share it here with everyone, I hope it will help :flowerforyou:
  • rushingk
    rushingk Posts: 2 Member
    I'm very active and try to eat healthy.....until the weekend hits. All the temptations get to me. I put on 10 pounds over the past few years that I would like to get off, but every time I lose a few pounds, I gain it right back. It's a cycle that I am on so I never really lose the weight, and all of the clothes are tight! I refuse to go up in a size because I want to be back down to where I was. I just need to resist all the temptations and stay strong so I get this off. Then maybe a temptation once a week or so wouldn't be so bad.
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    I'm very active and try to eat healthy.....until the weekend hits. All the temptations get to me. I put on 10 pounds over the past few years that I would like to get off, but every time I lose a few pounds, I gain it right back. It's a cycle that I am on so I never really lose the weight, and all of the clothes are tight! I refuse to go up in a size because I want to be back down to where I was. I just need to resist all the temptations and stay strong so I get this off. Then maybe a temptation once a week or so wouldn't be so bad.

    I have the same problem- every weekend we go to parties or out to dinner and it ruins not only that day but usually the next day as well. Plus, since it's summer, I have a ton of weddings and shower to go to which means lots of treats and drinking.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'm very active and try to eat healthy.....until the weekend hits. All the temptations get to me. I put on 10 pounds over the past few years that I would like to get off, but every time I lose a few pounds, I gain it right back. It's a cycle that I am on so I never really lose the weight, and all of the clothes are tight! I refuse to go up in a size because I want to be back down to where I was. I just need to resist all the temptations and stay strong so I get this off. Then maybe a temptation once a week or so wouldn't be so bad.

    Welcome to the group :flowerforyou:

    Maybe you can set yourself one treat a week, work ouot what that will be and what day you eat it and then be as good as you possibly can the rest of the time.
    I know when we only have a little bit to lose it can seem impossible when we gain lose and regain constantly.

    I'm sure you can get there, if I can be of any help just shout!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Hi everyone!!!!

    So how has everyone done today?????

    I just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow will be the start of my NO BISCUITS FOR A MONTH!!
    I am also banning cakes, chocolate, cereal bars, sweets.
    I am going to eat super healthy - minimising processed foods - increasing lean protein and decreasing bad carbs and sugar. Also try to be really good on eating out too!! I'll be following my fat burning plan as much as possible, testing it out for a month.

    I also am aiming to exercise everyday, I love the 30 Day shred and turbo jam, so I am going to try to do 2 workouts of each a week, plus I am going to try to run twice a week and also do yoga and walking too, but I love walking and see it as relaxation!!
    Also my son loves bike riding so we will be bike riding lots too!!

    My goal is to be back to my target weight of 7 stone 7 pounds (105lbs) for summer!!!
    Although my ticker is set at 103 as I know I need to get a little lower in order to be able to maintain the 105 weight.
    I have been trying to maintain for over 8 months!!!

    Tomorrow I will weigh in and reset my ticker, I will be weighing in daily and resetting my ticker daily - I hope this will keep me motivated and maybe I'll get to my goal before summer?

    Good luck to everyone for tomorrow :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    Of course i would joing you girl !!! :D you are amazing
    !!!:drinker: :smooched:

    we can all do this!!! ROCK THIS JOINT!:drinker: :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Of course i would joing you girl !!! :D you are amazing
    !!!:drinker: :smooched:

    we can all do this!!! ROCK THIS JOINT!:drinker: :heart: :smooched: :heart: :smooched: :heart:

    Hi hunny!!!:flowerforyou:

    So good to see you here xxx

    So what are your goals for the next few months?
  • rs1177
    rs1177 Posts: 124 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So today I missed bootcamp, first day missed in 8 weeks! But I'm not feeling too bad, my body was just too tired this morning. The eating clean is going pretty good. I think I might add a few more items that were not on the orginal plan I was following like goat cheese and brown rice wraps. I'm trying to have no more than 3 starchy carbs a day and eat clean!

    I'm heading out of town this weekend to visit my parents going to really stay focused because I know there will be lots of junk and alcohol around! But I'm feeling focused!

    I hope you all enjoy your weekend!!
  • sonia2003
    sonia2003 Posts: 195 Member
    Hi Mel!!

    Of course Im in! THANK YOU for setting up this group and for a place for us to talk, vent, share our goals and for all the support!

    Im still sick and a bit under the weather, but as soon I get better, I am onto detox for a week then on to healthy, clean eating! I cant wait to get to 120 as my ultimate goal and I need to get to the 120's soon! Even if I see 129, i will jump for joy!!

    Great idea Mel! :heart:

    Love your group!!
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    Hello all!

    So today was my second day in a row going to the gym! Woot woot! No joke, that's a big deal for me. Especially since I was super sore from yoga yesterday. I was considering flaking and then decided to put my "goal jeans" on. Well, they get over my hips (which again is a big deal, since last time I tried them on, I could barely get them past my thighs), but that was it- no way, no how were they buttoning, or even zipping for that matter. So that gave me the extra oomph I needed to get out the door!

    Also, took another member's great idea to start carrying fruit in my bag. Unfortunately, my banana ended up on the losing end of that venture but it did give me something to search for on the internet while trying to avoid doing work- voila! my purchase of the day- a banana saver! You should totally check it out- no more mushed bananas in your bag! Thank god for the internet and online shopping ;)
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi everyone!

    So today I missed bootcamp, first day missed in 8 weeks! But I'm not feeling too bad, my body was just too tired this morning. The eating clean is going pretty good. I think I might add a few more items that were not on the orginal plan I was following like goat cheese and brown rice wraps. I'm trying to have no more than 3 starchy carbs a day and eat clean!

    I'm heading out of town this weekend to visit my parents going to really stay focused because I know there will be lots of junk and alcohol around! But I'm feeling focused!

    I hope you all enjoy your weekend!!

    Hi Rhonda!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    I think you have done amazingly well, 8 weeks solid, don;t be hard on yourself, you've worked really hard and if your body is saying rest then I think you should take a break :wink:

    Sounds like a fun weekend for you!! I hope you have a lovely time :flowerforyou: