

  • I believe green tea is hydrating but not as much as water.
  • Hi, Just wanted to share a diet that has helped me so much. I'm following the online diet plan on e-diets... the recipes are really fast and easy and easy to find. I have almost zero time in my schedule to prepare food let alone think about a diet plan and e-diets is the best i've found so far in this regard. I lost 20 lbs…
    in e-diets Comment by twinsmommy April 2008
  • i feel you there... i work full-time and have twin toddlers... if i'm on track and losing weight i'm smoking a million cigs... if i'm eating bad... i lay of the cigs... so not good :(
  • Hi, i've found that getting a treadmill has really helped me. i have 3 yr old twins so its very very very hard to fit it in. having a treadmill allows me to get up 30 minutes before them... dont have to get dressed or do my hair, just hop on the treadmill and watch tv first thing every morning. before i was trying to get…
  • Well i'm here because I never lost the 35 lbs I gained due to my pregnancy with twins. Just tired of having a big butt and want to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight :)
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