Annadel Member


  • Awesome suggestions. Also any tips where to buy some used sports equipment. Like steppers, ropes Trx. I don’t have these yet.
  • Thank you for the suggestions! I have been running 3-4 times last 2 weeks. Hopefully I get back in a routine!
  • I typically do body pump. I have never lifted free weights. Where do I start?
  • Thank you all!! I am so frustrated with my belly. It's been my worst problem area. My legs, calves, butt is so toned with running. The damn belly:( I will look into calories deficit more carefully now. Looks like that's my only hope.
  • Do you guys not get hungry with calorie deficit. How to train for a half marathon And maintain a eating with a calorie deficit.
  • I dont own a food scale and I also dont really measure much. I just have lacked the discipline. I do excecise very regularly and eat mostly healthy. But i tend to eat more than I burnt off in calories hence the huge belly?
    in Sugar Comment by Annadel November 2014
  • I did try artificial sweeteners but it just made the coffee taste so bad and gave me headaches. Today I went from 1.5 spoons to 1 spoon. Hope I can gradually go to no sugar completely. My big belly makes me look 5 mo preggers. I struggle so much with food.
    in Sugar Comment by Annadel November 2014
  • Thanks! I will look into this for sure. I do have a library card.
  • Thanks all. Some good ideas!!
  • Friends I did my first 10k in 1:01:19. I was hoping for 1 hr so this is pretty close. I slowed down around both water stations so that maybe cost few mins here and there. Thank u again for your tips. I decided to not run at all last 2-3 days and I seemed to have conserved my energy. It was great. I am looking forward to my…
  • you all are amazing support here. I am looking forward to it tomorrow. Will post my results. thanks friends.
  • Thank you all. Getting pumped for my race. I will just do a short 3 mile run tomorrow and that's it before Sunday.
  • I am in So Cal too. I was very committed too but somehow it all slowly faded with summer schedules, crazy heat in SO Cal. All my friends took motivation from me. I looked so darn fit earlier this year. Ran a few races too. Since July its been a downhill. Hopefully I will find the will power to get back in routine.
  • Awesome! It's no NSV:) I did 5k under my goal of 30 min and i know how awesome that felt. My next challenge is a 10k and then a half. Looks like you were well prepared and executed fabulously. Do you have a training plan that you can recommend. Or any of the internet. Any other resources that you can suggest will be great…
    in Running NSV Comment by Annadel May 2014
  • For those thinking abt it, please register for one. The feeling of pride is such a great motivator. It's no more about dieting, weight loss, working out. It's such a different genre of activity that it will boost your confidence multi folds.
  • It doesn't! Just a number-2.5, 5, 10..
  • Thank you all. I think I have to try the following 1. Really count my calories 2. Lift heavy. I do body pump regularly and I do the same weight every time. I will be getting a scale soon. I just do mindful eating but never really track down anything to the dot. I do have 2 kids and will check for diastasis recti test as…
  • Thank u!!
  • Thanks all. I did go to gym today . Got hi e super Kate but I did it.. Need a consistent routine to get back on track.
    in Weight gain Comment by Annadel May 2013
  • i am such a mess right now. I have been doing strength training, yoga, pilates etc.. but my tummy has just grown in size. I really need to watch my diet. I am relying on exercise to help but may be its my diet : ( I eat very healthy to begin with. the only bad stuff i do eat is sugar in my coffee (3x/wday). any tips on…
    in bootcamps Comment by Annadel March 2013
  • Thank u.. That's what the hesitation of spending $200 on DVDs. I just need cardio for now. I do have an elliptical at home. Collecting dust :(
    in Cardio Comment by Annadel March 2013
  • Bump I really need to do this :)
  • Will surely try this. 20 min cardio after weights. I think that should definitely help. Thank u all!
    in Cardio Comment by Annadel February 2013
  • I think I need to add20-30 cardio and some calorie deficit. Thank you all:)
    in Cardio Comment by Annadel February 2013
  • Bump and thank u!!
  • Hi All I am about to get off work and go home and do my ist day of 30 DS ,I made the following group and added as many folks as I could. We can post in that group going forward, I am feeling such great pumped up spritis from all of you! is there a way…
  • I will research on how to make a group. Day 1 today. Let's be accountable to ourselves and each other and do this!!!
  • It's a great workout.. I have tried it thrice to finish it. I lose motivation by day15...
  • Let's take a day break as we need but goal to finish in no more than 35 days! Am excited. Have been just procrastinating since last few weeks.....
  • Thanks for accepting my friend request. So we in from tomorrow? To keep each other accountable, should we send a personal MSG after doing 30 day shred?