

  • Congratulations on 60 lb loss, that's definitely an achievement worth celebrating! I do that with the butter too! I think it really does help when I get discouraged over "ONLY a pound lost." But if I think about sticking a pound of butter in my jeans, it makes me realize the difference.
  • Our party is tomorrow. My strategy is to have something healthy beforehand (which will be hard because party starts at 9am). I'm planning a late breakfast of oatmeal and fruit. Then, I'm bringing a veggie tray to share and squirreling away some healthier options for me. I'm allowing myself a few nibbles of my favorite…
  • Thank you! Change is scary, but I'm going to embrace it as a fresh start. @soja4jc - you are EXACTLY the kind of motivating individual I need as a friend! May I add you?