

  • 6139 = my 3 = 6142 Tiff x
  • Yeah get the measuring tape out! I usually forget to do it until after I have lost a few lbs but this tim I have taken all my measurements so I can hopefully see progress there. I never used to take my ipod with me to the gym, or even headphones just listened to the music pumping out in the gym but I'm defo going to take…
  • Thanks Jess Once you start trying to keep to 1200 per day you realsie where you might have been going wrong! Well, I certainly do anyway ;@) I haven't been to the gym since I was pregnant with my daughter 3 years ago! So it's going to be a shock to the system, although I did go out jogging every week during the first part…
  • Hello Jess! Thought i would just say hello! I'm a member of the 100+lbs to lose and have been battling my weight all my life! I joined a gym on Sunday on a 3 mnth membership and have my induction tonight so I have decided to give it my all for the next 3 mnths and if I don't do it this time, then I guess I never will! So…
  • Great Chart Katie! Sorry I forgot to update you - I'm going to try and get into a routine. I lost 2lbs this week so now 232 Tiff x
  • Hello! And welcome! I'm new to this kind of thing too but I love MFP too - it's made it so easy to track what I 'm eating and it's great to get support. I've only been a member for a few weeks Tiff x
  • Also does anyone know how many calories 1hr of Pilates burns as this isn't listed in the excercise diary Tiff
  • Hello Katie & pinkchick That's great Katie thank you - just don't want to mess up your system! I'll post my weight sunday morning then and we'll see how it goes. If you need me to post my weight earlier then I'll just move my weigh in day - It's no problem! I'm off to Orlando again in May and then hopefully again for…
  • Hi Katie, Sorry I wasn't sure exactly how it worked! I usually weigh in on a sunday morning but can change that if it helps? When do I need to let you have my figures by to have them included in the chart? What is the time difference?? to date mine are: 17/Jan - 242 24/Jan - 236 31/Jan - 236 7/Feb - 234 I'm in Essex which…
  • Hi everyone! I lost another 2lbs this week - bringing my total so far to 8lbs. I'm really happy with the way things are going. Just need to motivate myself to get excercising. I'm not sure if I'm the only english girl on here? Most people of you seem to be American which means there is a bit of a time difference! Tiff…
  • hi I would like to join too if possible? I started MFP with my iphone app on 17/1 and have lost 6lbs so far. I weigh on Sunday mornings. really love the website - so glad i decided to look it up - it's great. Would love some support and motivation x
  • Cool - I have changed that now! Thanks - what a lovely sight!! I also have loads more to lose than my ticker shows but wanted a realistic goal to start with.
  • OK thanks guys! Does anyone know how many calories 1hr of Pilates burns? As it's not listed in the excercise journal, surprisingly
  • I really am new to this sort of thing!So I was just checking that my ticker thingy worked! Have had the app on my i phone for a week or so but it's great being able to log on here as well. I'm so determined this time! I have been trying very hard for 2 weeks now and lost 6lbs so far (I know ticker doesn't show this - long…
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