srammels Member


  • Most knee issues have nothing to do with the knee itself. Is it your whole knee or outside? If it is just the outside, look into IT band syndrome and different stretches you can do for the IT band. That is one possibility. I would also suggest a foam roller in addition to your stretching. Could be tight calves, too. Foam…
  • Outside of leg, hip and knee sure sounds like ITBS to me, as well. I am dealing with it right now and want to advise you to please, please, please take this seriously! I was training for a half and have been sidelined for 2 months, am seeing a physical therapist 3x a week, chiro 2x a week and am stretching/rolling for…
  • Completely not related to food suggestions - I would also suggest maybe chewing gum, mints, or brushing your teeth when you get the urge to nibble. I find that if I have a fresh, clean mouth I don't want to ruin it with snacking. Just an idea!
  • I did a similar program last year and am working towards a half now. Stick to the running plan. Add core and weights. The more muscle you build the easier running becomes. As you start to run more often, longer and increase distance these muscles will be even more important. Common running rule (although controversial) is…