Running and knees being weird.

I run around 5K about 5 days a week. I used to be pretty bad about stretching before and after but I've gotten much better at it. However, on days that I run, when I stop moving/walking around for any extended period of time me knees start feeling a bit odd. Not painful, or difficult to move, but there is this odd feeling - like a bit of pressure around the knee. I'm fine when I'm walking around but it's when I sit at my desk to work that it starts up.

Does anybody else get anything like this and if so how do you deal with it?


  • srammels
    srammels Posts: 4 Member
    Most knee issues have nothing to do with the knee itself. Is it your whole knee or outside? If it is just the outside, look into IT band syndrome and different stretches you can do for the IT band. That is one possibility. I would also suggest a foam roller in addition to your stretching. Could be tight calves, too. Foam roll them out and see if you can't get your legs to loosen up and release the pressure on your knee. Also, make sure your shoes are correct for you. The wrong style of shoe, or a shoe with too many miles put into them, can cause knee pain. Go to a local running store and get fitted.

    Good luck!
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    I run during my lunch hour and get up to walk every 15-20 minutes to walk around after and the creakiness goes away by the time I leave, also, an Aleve will help relieve the weirdness (only use for benign stuff). The worst was racing a HM two weekends ago then sitting in the car for 8 hours. I almost died.