cdogthegreat0702 Member


  • you guys are badasses and i can only strive to achieve your level of dedication!!
  • i would, but i only have a few more weeks to go (my last day is may 12) and our guidance department never lets anyone change classes after the first 3 weeks of class anyway :/
  • i am so thankful that our school is on block schedule so we only have 4 courses per semester. i can't fathom the idea of having four AP classes all year long! i do like the idea of stress fueling workouts. april is going to be filled with powerful workouts from now on ;)
  • i was in the same situation! no one warned me about the dangers of eating too little; i can't believe the dangerous amount of buzz the "magic 1200 calorie" diet has gotten.
  • you will lose weight by staying in your range, but you'll have more energy eating healthy foods- not to mention you can consume more food by eating healthily than you would with ice cream and fried chicken.
  • i'm a vegetarian and i used to have trouble getting even 50g a day, but now that i'm focusing on what i'm eating i can get 120g+ easily. i eat a lot of egg whites, greek yogurt, and tofu. most days i don't even need a protein bar/shake for a boost unless i'm running late and need to grab something quick. as long as you put…
  • Thanks for the advice! I'll definitely be using a planner; I get overwhelmed when my assignments aren't organized, so laying everything out in an orderly fashion will help. I'm looking forward to putting the petty clique-ishness of high school behind! Everyone says that there's a greater sense of community in college, even…
  • I'm going into college next year and I am SO worried about eating healthily with only a microwave and a few DH meals per week! And I hate working out in gyms, so that's also going to be a problem. Obviously, I'm just gonna have to grow a pair and get over my fear of people- *gasp*- watching me exercise!
  • Though this quote is specific to bingeing, it can be applied to your situation: "A tendency after a binge is to restrict meals and food the next day. This strategy is counter productive and may lead to yet another binge. Eating regular meals will keep you from getting excessively hungry. This will decrease the desire and…