

  • I have exactly the same - one co-worker who always gets cakes/sweets/chocolate/biscuits etc and then others who feel they have to return the favour to the point of ridiculousness (we now have home made cake Monday). It is hard but I refuse to participate. Try telling them that you're under Doctors orders to reduce…
  • I include my drinks in my calorie allowance so I make sure that everything else I eat/drink is super healthy. Also I only drink about half of the recommended weekly intake since alcohol is empty calories - It seems to be working for me and I don't feel short changed. You could also try mixing red wine with water (the…
  • ps - loving that cute little face on your profile pic :happy:
  • Personally I see better results with ADF - If I try CR 5 days a week and then have two days where I eat what I like I simply don't lose weight - furthermore I believe that ADF only works because I stick to my daily recommended calorie intake on my non-fast days. Also it is important to note if you are following an ADF…
  • I know exactly how you feel - I managed to lose 5 kgs last year which slowly went back on - I thought a trip to India would sort me out but I put on more weight. That was followed by a month of inactivity followed by a month of Christmas celebrations and another 5 kgs. And although I have the will power of Oliver Reed in a…
  • I am from Hertfordshire in the UK
  • Don't worry about what you did because it's past and you can't change it, all you do is learn from it - it's what you do going forward that counts - Think: What originally motivated you to lose weight - is it still relevant? Maybe you need to get back in touch maybe you need a new motivator. What made you fall off the…
  • All the time! Which is a bit depressing - Luckily for me all my colleagues are also trying to get their bikini bodies back for the summer - It does mean that food is a constant topic with us though :ohwell: