

  • I'm 6", biggest I've ever been was a UK size 14, current is a UK size 8 at 140lbs. You can see it in my profile pic, I look healthy and not skeletal, but I can go up 10 pounds or so before straying into the looking over weight territory. I have broad shoulders, wide hips and thick set legs, but a slimmer upper body. Next…
  • There's about 3000 calories in 1lb of fat. What you're eating right now honestly still sounds like a diet plan - there's not a lot of calories in celery or cottage cheese, and I don't think you're eating enough in general to be gaining. Have three breakfasts, and no, I'm not kidding. Eat more when you're burning more…
  • Nuts and seeds. My vegetarian ex used to eat them by the bagful and, although always at the lowest body fat percentage that could be healthy, he *was* healthy (and evil, but I don't think that had anything to do with his diet!).
  • When you suck in your breath can you see any definition? Definitely seconding that abs are genetic, mine show through at quite a high body fat percentage but so do my parent's.
  • At my most active and lowest body fat (I think it was 10% and 9 stone at 5"11) I was still having periods. What does cause my periods to skip sometimes though is my polycystic ovaries. You might want to get it checked out to see if you have it, as it can cause fertility and weight problems and is quite common in the US and…
  • My measurements are 33-26.5-40 and I'm 6ft tall, which is a pear (that's me in my profile pic if you want to see what it looks like on a person). I have broad shoulders, wide hips, small waist, average bust (C cup). When I put weight or muscle on it's always in my legs and butt, my belly and arms are the last to be…