Ladies what body type are you?



  • Paulatrueman
    Paulatrueman Posts: 7 Member
    I'm pear shaped, I have inherited the family 'sticky outy bum' LOL - but also have bingo wings :'(

    I do all sorts of exercise, cos I don't want to get bored. I do a few weeks of mainly cardio, treadmil, bike etc, then i'll have a couple of weeks where I'll do a couple of days weight training with my partner. Then I'll have a few weeks where I do classes which is what I'm doing at the moment.
    Abs30 is a fab class, I do that once a week, then 2 days cardio, 1 day weight training and I'm trying to fit in the Body Combat class as well cos I really enjoy that.

    Variety is the spice of life!!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    My current label. Overweight . I have the characteristics of an hourglass but I'm nowhere near how you think of an hour glass figure!! :)
    An hourglass figure refers to bust/waist/hip ratio. It has nothing to do with weight or size.
  • smc864
    smc864 Posts: 570 Member
    According to an online body type calculator I'm an hourglass... my measurements are 40-30-40. I have big boobs so I do a lot of heavy lifting for my legs and butt in an attempt to keep everything proportionate.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My current label. Overweight . I have the characteristics of an hourglass but I'm nowhere near how you think of an hour glass figure!! :)
    An hourglass figure refers to bust/waist/hip ratio. It has nothing to do with weight or size.

    Yes and no.

    if you carry all your weight in your lower body- but your frame is not actually as wide- you may LOOK hour glass because you are over weight- but you may actually just be whatever it is a banana or whatever fruit we describe people who have a straight line from top to bottom. You can be a shape andit not show it if you are over weight.

    Personally I think describing people's shapes is stupid - especially with fruit. It's useful to understand how your body is built and how to dress yourself to flatter yourself- but ultimately giving it a name like a pear, apple, banana or hour glass? really- just silly.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    My current label. Overweight . I have the characteristics of an hourglass but I'm nowhere near how you think of an hour glass figure!! :)
    An hourglass figure refers to bust/waist/hip ratio. It has nothing to do with weight or size.

    Yes and no.

    if you carry all your weight in your lower body- but your frame is not actually as wide- you may LOOK hour glass because you are over weight- but you may actually just be whatever it is a banana or whatever fruit we describe people who have a straight line from top to bottom. You can be a shape andit not show it if you are over weight.

    Personally I think describing people's shapes is stupid - especially with fruit. It's useful to understand how your body is built and how to dress yourself to flatter yourself- but ultimately giving it a name like a pear, apple, banana or hour glass? really- just silly.

    Agreed that it's silly. My body type is Type Awesome.
  • Q_Suze
    Q_Suze Posts: 2 Member
    How many calories do you think you burn in a 90 min hot yoga class? I am loving Bikram :)
  • seliinac
    seliinac Posts: 336 Member
    Brick ****house. Wide shoulders, big butt, stocky legs, tiny waist.

    Is that what it's called?!?

    That's what I am then.

    And I walk, cycle, lift weights.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    A hourglass, although a pregnant hourglass :)

    I just do a variety of exercises, nothing special for my body type, if that's even possible.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    My current label. Overweight . I have the characteristics of an hourglass but I'm nowhere near how you think of an hour glass figure!! :)
    An hourglass figure refers to bust/waist/hip ratio. It has nothing to do with weight or size.

    Yes and no.

    if you carry all your weight in your lower body- but your frame is not actually as wide- you may LOOK hour glass because you are over weight- but you may actually just be whatever it is a banana or whatever fruit we describe people who have a straight line from top to bottom. You can be a shape andit not show it if you are over weight.

    Personally I think describing people's shapes is stupid - especially with fruit. It's useful to understand how your body is built and how to dress yourself to flatter yourself- but ultimately giving it a name like a pear, apple, banana or hour glass? really- just silly.

    Agreed that it's silly. My body type is Type Awesome.

    no no no -yer missing something!!!!

    F*CKING Awesome
  • otter090812
    otter090812 Posts: 380 Member
    I think there's an hourglass in there trying to get out, but currently trapped in the body of a lumberjack! I need to lose about 50 pounds, but one thing I don't need is any more muscles.
  • archaichoney
    archaichoney Posts: 132 Member
    I thought I was a pear until I started lifting. Now I'm pretty much hourglass, well, my front on silhouette is, I have small boobs. I'm mesomorphic though.

    You'd be surprised at what shape you *think* you are and then you begin eating right, lifting, working out, etc and your body changes dramatically.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Hmm. Now I don't know what I am, since I took some more recent pics. My measurements say I am hourglass, but viewed straight on I look like a stick as waist doesn't curve in much. But turn to the side, and BOOM. Waist, booty, boobs.

    I think my body type is 'stealth'. Yeah, I like that...
  • Sounds like you are an "A" blood type. "O" blood types tend to accumulate weight at their waistlines and have small hips and thighs. I know the blood type thing sounds weird, but I started working with a nutritionist, and when I walked in, she took one look at me and said, are you an "A"? And she was right. Exercise also has to do with whether you have fast or slow twitch muscles, as certain exercises are better for the one type than the other. What I found to help my hourglass body (which tends to be larger in the hips and thighs) was doing more lower body exercises, like stair climbing and bicycle. Your glutes are one of the largest muscles in your body, so if you work them fairly heavily, it not only helps you to shrink those areas (build muscle), but to burn more calories. I also do a lot of Pilates (2 mat classes a week and 1 private on the reformer). In a period of about one year, I was able to make some huge changes to my body. I am now 122 lbs., 5'5", 52 yrs. old, still trying to get my 24 inch waist back, but am pretty happy at 25 inches, fitting into size 6 pants. I also do figure skating, so again, working the lower body, strong legs and glutes. But ultimately, just get out there and move!!!
  • Hourglass. I don't do exercise according to my shape, I play roller derby, I do crossfit and I run. i exercise to reach goals not to obtain a certain shape. I kind of think I'm pretty awesome shaped though.
  • I am inverted triangle..I am a lady with broad shoulders..which really bother me..I look like a bodybuilder but I dont do -too many- weights. I used to be a swimmer and rower and that -unfortunately- shows.
    I dont exercise according to my shape. I like cycle, rowing, rowing and some hardcore Pilates.. I struggle with dance based classes and yoga -where most girls are very light and femine - is my nightmare..
  • My measurements are 33-26.5-40 and I'm 6ft tall, which is a pear (that's me in my profile pic if you want to see what it looks like on a person). I have broad shoulders, wide hips, small waist, average bust (C cup). When I put weight or muscle on it's always in my legs and butt, my belly and arms are the last to be affected. I do work my legs more than my arms because I know they can take it better. Oh, and my blood type is O negative, so bang goes that theory.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    "O" blood types tend to accumulate weight at their waistlines and have small hips and thighs

    I'm O positive and my measurements are "extreme hourglass." I have a tiny waist compared to my hips and bust and do not accumulate weight at my waistline.

    The blood type thing is a load of BS.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I think there's an hourglass in there trying to get out, but currently trapped in the body of a lumberjack! I need to lose about 50 pounds, but one thing I don't need is any more muscles.

    50 lbs? how could you tell if you need more muscle or not? You can't see the ones you have- I think it's pre-mature to say you don't need more muscle.

    I'd say well over three quarter's of the population of women need more muscle- not less.
  • Lillyloooo
    Lillyloooo Posts: 174 Member
    Hour gkass
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    Sounds like you are an "A" blood type. "O" blood types tend to accumulate weight at their waistlines and have small hips and thighs. I know the blood type thing sounds weird, but I started working with a nutritionist, and when I walked in, she took one look at me and said, are you an "A"? And she was right. Exercise also has to do with whether you have fast or slow twitch muscles, as certain exercises are better for the one type than the other. What I found to help my hourglass body (which tends to be larger in the hips and thighs) was doing more lower body exercises, like stair climbing and bicycle. Your glutes are one of the largest muscles in your body, so if you work them fairly heavily, it not only helps you to shrink those areas (build muscle), but to burn more calories. I also do a lot of Pilates (2 mat classes a week and 1 private on the reformer). In a period of about one year, I was able to make some huge changes to my body. I am now 122 lbs., 5'5", 52 yrs. old, still trying to get my 24 inch waist back, but am pretty happy at 25 inches, fitting into size 6 pants. I also do figure skating, so again, working the lower body, strong legs and glutes. But ultimately, just get out there and move!!!

    I have type o blood and I have hips and big thighs. I think your pattern is off. I also accumulate at the waist, but I have quite a bit of leeway before I start looking less "curvy."