

  • Hello all: I am new to this group and find it very difficult to get proper exercise with all my health issues and especially fibro! Right now it's a challenge to get outdoors and just even walk.
  • I hope so as i just filled out the food diary and i sure don't like to see at the bottom of the page red numbers...ahhhh!!! but at least it shows me where i am eating too much of a thing. ugh! This is so exhausting as it takes me an effort just to make sure that my diabetes is in check and writing down a food journal and…
  • Well this is a challenge as i am T2 Diabetic and have to stay away from all those temping foods as well as not eat a lot because later i will pay for it ......PAIN! Which is from my IBS!
  • Hello Everyone: I have just joined this site as my nutritionist suggested that i try it out as it will give me a great guide to track my foods. I hope that i can at least loose 5 lbs as i have always had a weight issue even when i was a i am almost 60 and around this age everything seems to go south! LOL…