

  • Hi there! I have also had this problem with my now three year old daughter. I started making her 'smoothies.' I used variations of frozen yogurt, peanut/almond butter, fruit, chocolate, whole milk..and anything else I could fit in there. All my kids love it, they think its a treat and I love it because it's higher in…
  • Started T25 today as well! I'll message you! Good luck!
  • I am also on a rediculously tight budget and broke as hell. For exercise, because I can't afford the fancy programs and videos from the regular websites, I walk over to my local library. We have an awesome selection of workout DVDs available to rent for free! My library is close enough to walk to so I get in a few extra…
  • This is my 2nd go at insanity. The first time around I did the first month twice, and might do it again this time. I've found that it's very helpful for perfecting the techniques and form for the 2nd month. Especially since it seems month two combines most of the moves from the first month into one move. Don't know I that…
  • So nice to see I'm not alone! I had full intentions of starting the new year of right. Day 7 and I have been really struggling. It's hard to get back into good choices. And damn the delicious Pepsi!! Need to get back on the treadmill, insanity, and eating right. I'm with you!