staringatthesun Member


  • gotta say, initially i was kind of upset at the idea of a post that was a "competition" to have the worst binge story because frequently competition just fuels disordered behavior, but reading these responses and seeing how helpful everyone is finding it, i too am now glad this was posted and that everyone is finding so…
  • hey! adorable koala btw. :) just wanted to let you know that i've been in a very similar place to where you are now, and the fact that you are aware of these destructive thoughts means that now you can do something to change them! life is much happier on the other side. i'm certainly no doctor, but there is a non-purging…
  • i completely understand everyone's points of view in this thread, but thought maybe it couldn't hurt to add mine to the mix to offer a different perspective. just to warn ya, this is gonna be lengthy haha! no pressure to read, but i figure if i'm going to try to explain my perspective i might as well do it right, so that…
  • hey becca (and jennysch84)! i've joined the ranks these last few days on MFP, also as a recovered anorexic. similarly, i'm hoping that the accountability and support here will help me to stay healthy and not become symptomatic, while still losing some of this extra weight i've gained since moving across the country a…