Simple strength training programs with progressive loading (increasing weight by small increments every workout) and compound exercises (squats, overhead press, bent-over rows, bench press, dead-lifts) work the best for me. I'm stronger after 40 than I was in my 20s, and that's saying a lot. However, I am focused on…
I've experienced amazing results with a simple 5x5 strength training program (details below). The entire concept is based on simplicity and involves progressive loading (increasing weight a little bit each workout) with basic compound (full-body) exercises. I've been strength training since my teens, and have tried just…
I am interested in being a mentor to someone who needs and wants it. Although I've been physically active my entire life, it has not been without struggles. At one point in my life, I very much surpassed being "morbidly obese" on the BMI charts. So, I've been there and cannot judge. I have a wide range of knowledge and…
Awesome! From the perspective of a man (in the free weight section) I have nothing but respect for women as well as others who are insecure and/or intimidated in some form (new strength trainers, guys with slight frames, etc). In the past, I have come back into the gym off of a prolonged injury and experienced low self…