

  • Thank you for sharing your story and how inspiring you are! Keep up the positive thinking - remember you are never alone!!
  • You can do this!!!!! :) Wow you've already lost 26 pounds!!! Don't let all that hard work go now! Remember all is good with moderation. So if you want chocolate, have some within reason. No reason why you should deprive yourself! Keep up the GREAT work!!
  • So in other words...you don't wanna know how much calories or fat is in that burger!!! lol All kidding a side, that is a load of crap! I think its a restaurant's responsibility to tell us what is in their food!!
  • Hey there!!!! This is a GREAT place - I love the support and how I have learned portion control as well as how to eat a lot better. Would love to be your buddy on here! :)
    in Hi Comment by RyanRay April 2011
  • I do the Herbalife shakes and add a banana to them - GREAT protein and really quick!
  • I know I get the most hungry at night - when I'm tired. Body confuses itself and when you think you are hungry - you are just overly exhausted instead. Found this article interesting: http://www.wikihow.com/Know-You're-Hungry-(and-Avoid-Eating-when-You're-Not)
  • Everything in moderation! It's good to have what you love - in moderation :) Life is too short to not enjoy good food!
  • I'll be your friend!!! The more the merrier!!! I'll request you now!