

  • 18 months is a long time to sit with no results. She needs to log her food, she isn't eating a deficit. If she has health problems she should ask a doctor. If she IS doing everything right with zero results she should ask a doctor, see if she has any under lying health problems. Aside from that she needs to just create a…
  • Sure you can eat 400 carbs a day and lose weight with a deficit but high carb foods tend to have higher calories, cake, bread, muffins, lets not get into the nutritional voidness of this all.
  • I think that you look fine! Maybe just tone up with out losing weight Personally, I am 5'8 when I look back at pictures of myself as a teen at 125 I personally think I look gross and way to skinny. I want to be around 140 but toned.
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