wildheart21 Member


  • I feel your pain! I am around the same weight as you and I think it just gets more difficult the closer you get to goal. As long as you are truthfully and accurately logging your food and you are not stuffing yourself, just continue on your path. It may take a while to get there but you will lose weight properly and you…
  • PS. Sounds like you are using food/binging as your drug of choice for anxiety and exhaustion. That's why it's important to learn to control the stress and exhaustion in order to control the binging. Good luck
  • Are you tired at night when you binge? Stress + exhaustion is not a good combination for bingers. Make sure you eat enough during the day, plenty of protein and veggies and a little healthy fat with each meal and make sure you are getting plenty of good sleep. Look up sleep hygiene online and establish a pre-bed time…
  • Great advise from everyone. First off, do not feel guilty. Wipe the slate clean with each mistake and take the next best step towards reaching your goal, whatever that may be. Do not be too restrictive with your diet as far as calories are concerned. If you are in a binge cycle, I would focus on breaking the binges before…
  • How exciting!!! Congrats on your success :)
  • Oh, just saw that you will be working out 3 days a week. I was thinking 6 days. Do what the guy above said. It's good advise. Start with a higher count and adjust lower if you don't see changes. Are you doing cardio and weights on the same days? I'm not an expert but from everything I read, doing weights 3 x a week and…
  • 1500 calories a day sounds pretty low if you are going to be lifting heavy and doing cardio. If you want you can try it for a while but if you find it hard to sustain and/or you find yourself binging or craving carbs really bad, I would increase the calories to 1700-1800, at least. Some women can go up to 2000 or more and…