binge eating?



  • pinkpumpedupkickz
    pinkpumpedupkickz Posts: 77 Member
    We all binge eat, it's nothing to be ashamed of really, but it can be very addicting. Just like drugs, sex and gambling, it triggers a reward path in your brain - everytime you eat something "taboo", dopamine is released into your blood and makes your body feel blissful (no matter how much your stomach hurts after). The more you do this, the more your body will crave the dopamine.
    Best advice? Cold turkey, try your hardest not to binge, go on a chat room if it's really unbearable. Just do whatever you can to stay away from the kitchen! I know how uncontrollable that urge can be, but also know it can be helped with a little self-discipline. :)
    Best of luck!

    This. This makes so much sense.
  • wildheart21
    wildheart21 Posts: 7 Member
    Are you tired at night when you binge? Stress + exhaustion is not a good combination for bingers. Make sure you eat enough during the day, plenty of protein and veggies and a little healthy fat with each meal and make sure you are getting plenty of good sleep. Look up sleep hygiene online and establish a pre-bed time routine that you adhere to every night. Also, when you get stressed try diaphragmatic breathing. Learn to meditate. It helps to control stress related anxiety better than any drug.
  • wildheart21
    wildheart21 Posts: 7 Member
    PS. Sounds like you are using food/binging as your drug of choice for anxiety and exhaustion. That's why it's important to learn to control the stress and exhaustion in order to control the binging. Good luck