

  • The reason it is important to eat back most of your exercise calories is because if your body doesn't have enough fuel for your workouts, it will hold on to every calorie you consume as a means of backup energy. It will force your body into survival mode and slow down your metabolism if you don't eat enough. The way the…
  • Welcome to the site! The first thing you should start doing is changing what you feed your kids since you all eat the same things. It is important that you teach them good nutrition and get them accustomed to eating healthy. There will be kick back at first but they will get used to it. Also, you can do a TON of exercise…
  • Well at least you are here and you are aware of the changes that nned to be made! Good job. Nutrition is 80% of weight loss so start by logging EVERY bite you put into your mouth. If you have a smart phone, this website has a free app so that you can log while you are at work. DON'T CHEAT and don't kid yourself. Be…