

  • I'm sure you did - but that just doesn't sound like ANY fun at all. Who wants a data entry job as a hobby? If you're looking for an IFBB pro card, then maybe it's worth it, but I'd rather just focus on training and hitting my macros instead! Sell your heart rate monitor and garmin and get yourself involved with a local…
  • Do not count exercise calories "burned". That is, and always will be, inaccurate bs marketed to people buying treadmills. Every person is different - the only way to determine how efficiently your body burns calories is with a V02 test. I wish MFP would get rid of that feature because it's horribly generalized and makes no…
  • 1. Tone, bulk, and gain does not make any sense. You are either putting mass on, or leaning out. You need to readjust your goals so that they make sense. If you're putting weight on, you will put on fat as a result, no matter what, unless you are a freak athlete that can eat mcdonalds and snickers bars and be sub 10% bf…
  • Lots of misleading advice out there on the internet. 1. First and foremost, if you expect to put on any weight, stop working out 6 days a week. Aim for a 3day/wk, full body workout plan with built in progression geared towards compound lifts (ICF 5x5, SS, All these). Drop the cardio to maybe 1 or 2 30 minutes…
  • Your $120 scale was a waste of money. A scale can't calculate BF% accurately at all, bioelectric impedance is a sure crapshoot. You'll get different readings based off your level of hydration; the only way to get a real good reading is to essentially dehydrate yourself to a specific baseline and only measure BF% each time…
  • depending on your BF%, you could bump the fat up a bit. if you were at a low BF% already, at 185lbs. your baseline for fat would technically be 74g, with the max intake at 185g. I'd say right around 110-130g would be the most beneficial for you (.6-.7g/lb). I'm on 92g fat myself, and I'm 154lbs, 5'10", clean bulking after…
  • do yer research! you don't need to shove junk down your throat to bulk up. sometimes I'll do a quick fast food lunch for some fast calories, but don't eat like a complete *kitten*. 1. HIT YOUR MACROS - this is probably more important than hitting your calories, although if you're hitting your macros then you should be…