SlimSimSlim Member


  • Congrats on ur success!! keep it up!! btw what is ur height? xD sorry if it was already said, i didn't see it anywhere =(
  • I have been on it for a week or more now and yes I eat between 1600-1620 calories daily never over. The workout is something I really need to work on. as of yesterday I decided to do it everyday and that is what I am doing. Have worked out(RI30) last nite and today afternoon. Everything I eat is within the carbs, fats,…
  • Okay thank you for the help everyone. I looked around the internet for body fat calculators and the IIFYM calculator as well. I've got a good idea of how many calories I should be eating and how much I should lose. thanks again =)
  • Well then how many calories in take would be ideal for my weight? :O Edit: I just readjusted my activity level and now it say's I should have an intake of 1620 calories daily...
  • Oh wait, If I'm adding the 700 calories I burn to the 1200 Intake, does that mean i'm eating back the calories i burn? Yes sorry I'm really new to weight loss(first time i'm doing it), might be getting mixed up a bit haha...and yes upon signing up it asked my height(5'6 is what i put) and also asked my activity level and i…
  • U look awesome!!
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