nbshifrin Member


  • Looking to loose about the same. Feel free to add me for support from a totally different timezone!
  • Hi, This is my first 'proper' day on here so am looking for some friends for support as well. I'll request and feel free to add me as well!
  • Hey there, I sympathise (yeah, I know, no z Down Under), I've cycled a couple of times now and am determined that this is going to be the last time. I'm so determined that I'm actually getting active on MFP ;) Add me if you like. To give you an idea of how long I'll be on here for, I want to lose 25-30kg, that's 55-60…
  • Hi AK, I hear you re the yo-yo dieting. I too have yo-yo (or perhaps cycle) dieted for the last while. I've also made up my mind that any weight lost is going to be permanent. To help me get there, I've decided to get active on this site and hopefully get together a number of like-minded people. I deal with junk cravings…