DeathNoteKira Member


  • I heard that after you eat more than what your body is used to you gain weight right? Well im thinking once i hit 100 lbs ill increase it to proabably 1400 And I dont mind if I gain another 10 pounds after and I'll proabably not eat anymore than 1400 on a daily basis,^-^ I do work out too
  • Hello~ Im 4'11 and current 116 lbs Started about 1 month ago at 123 lbs My goal weight is hopefully 100 lbs haha That would be my dream weight Hope I can make some friends so I can keep motivated ^_^
  • Ive been doing this diet for 3 weeks and Im really happy with the results :) In 3 weeks i went from 121 to 116, I havent been that light since grade 9~ Im pretty short (4'10) so im not that thin, i need to lose a bit more I usually burn 510 calories in one hour on the treadmill about 4 times a week