Shorties Unite!!! 5'3" and under!!



  • Im 5'3" and weigh 16.5 . A couple of years ago I weighed 18st 3. Lost quite a bit with weightwatchers and then slimming world but in the last year lost the same 5lbs and put it on over and over so gave this a go. Now 16st 5 lbs lost 7lbs in the last 40 days which Im really pleased about. Long way to go but Im going to do it this time .. Glenda
  • runnergirl0721
    runnergirl0721 Posts: 2,289 Member
    5'1...SW 165...CW 129....GW was 120-125 but honestly I'm happy where I am. Still trying to define and tone though
  • victoriaasmall
    victoriaasmall Posts: 11 Member
    5 feet even.
    SW: 130 lbs
    CW: 127 lbs
    1GW: 120 lbs
    UGW: 115 lbs
  • victoriaasmall
    victoriaasmall Posts: 11 Member
    5'2" and currently 132 lbs
    Goal weight is between 120 and 115 lbs. Not really stuck on the number, going more by how I feel in my clothes and what I think I can maintain :)

    same, currently 130 and my goal weight is between 120-115 depending on how I feel once I get to 120.
  • Hi all! I'm 5'2, 149 lbs. I have tried to do this on my own with little success, so I would love some fellow shorties for mutual support!!
  • dcresider
    dcresider Posts: 1,272 Member
    5'1" here, current weight: 139, goal weight: 125 or less. Looking to gain lean muscle through strength training, plus added cardio via running and bicycling. I try to exercise 4-5x a week and watch my food intake via MFP.

    As I get older, it's harder to lose so I'm definitely looking for support for us petite gals.
  • cindyst1
    cindyst1 Posts: 21 Member
    SW: 155
    CW: 146
    GW: 110
    I'm 45 so it seems to take longer now. My lowest weight ever was 95 pounds and that was when I was 18 to about the age of 23 (hand kids). In 2003 I weighed in at 150 lost weight went down to 104 then had a few surgeries and it was all downhill from there.
  • Hi Everyone!
    Really hoping to get some support here, I think the hardest part of being unhealthy and unhappy with your body is that you tend to isolate yourself. I find myself saying.. oh I'll make more friends when I lose weight, or I'll start dating when I look better and the more you put it off the more alone you become. So I'm trying to make things happen finally! I'm 5"3 currently 193. I've lost weight really fast in the past (just last year I was 135) and always gain it back quickly. This time I'm trying to do it the healthy way, exercising and eating healthy. I know it's going to take longer but it will be long term instead of a quick fix. Goodluck to everyone on their journey!
  • Recreateyourself017
    Recreateyourself017 Posts: 23 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 4'11
    SW: 141 lb
    CW: 111
    GW: between 105-110 maybe

    I'm really close to my goal weight at this point... My lowest weight before gaining in the first place was 103lb.. I don't necessarily want to be back at that weight, and as of now my goals are starting to shift to muscle strength and tone.. Something sustainable that helps me feel better about my height! (Who says short women can't be strong?!).
  • bunnerfly
    bunnerfly Posts: 197 Member
    I'm 5'2".

    CW: 184.6lbs
    GW: 125-130lbs

    I've never been teeny tiny as an adult. Lowest adult weight was 130lbs, but I didn't start watching what I ate until I gained 55lbs during the pregnancy with my son. That was on top of the 15lbs I gained after I got married! I never got back into a healthy weight range after that.
  • 5'3"

    I used to be 115 until I was involved in a motor vechicle accident. I wasn't able to run with the knee injuries I sustained. However, I am recovering and am positive about getting back down to my goal weight (:
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I'm 5'1" (well, almost. . . I think it's more like 5' 3/4"!), 27 years old, and my highest weight (last spring) was around 118-120. That got me onto this site, but I never used it much until this winter-- I had a super active job last summer and lost a few pounds and gained enough muscle to look OK at ~115 lbs. Last fall, I had a challenging and very busy grad school semester, didn't exercise, ate whatever I wanted, and went back up to ~116-117. I have a small frame so that was a big problem and started doing this seriously in January.


    SW: 116.5

    First goal weight: 110 (wasn't sure if I could go below this since it had been about 8 years since I'd been smaller than 110)

    Second goal weight: 108

    UGW: 105

    It is not are hard as I thought! I set my calorie goals so I would lose about 0.5 lb a week. I've consistently lost a little faster than this the whole time. Now I have 1 lb to go to my goal!

    My maintenance range is going to be between 104 and 106. I'd rather not get any bigger than I am now, since I have belly fat still at this size, but much smaller than 104-105 seems too thin to me. 105 was the lowest I've been as an adult (that happened 9 years ago in college) and I liked myself like that. :)

    I've started strength training regularly since I need to do some recomposition and gain muscle and get rid of the remaining tummy without getting too much lighter.
  • DeathNoteKira
    DeathNoteKira Posts: 6 Member
    Hello~ Im 4'11 and current 116 lbs
    Started about 1 month ago at 123 lbs
    My goal weight is hopefully 100 lbs haha That would be my dream weight
    Hope I can make some friends so I can keep motivated ^_^
  • Beckilovespizza
    Beckilovespizza Posts: 334 Member
    5ft, SW 130lbs, CW (to be confirmed tomorrow) GW 100lbs (hit goal last week but assume quite a big gain as pigged out at Easter)
  • pistachiopeas
    pistachiopeas Posts: 165 Member
    5'2, SW 150, CW 146, GW 135. I have MFP set to .5 lbs per week, even though it is testing my patience, I think slow is the way to go for sustainable loss. I want to get to 135, see what that looks and feels like, and then I might reduce to anywhere between 130 and 135. I haven't seen the 130s for about 5-7 years, so I can't WAIT for the day the scale goes below 140. Feel free to add me if you are active on MFP. I log in every day and want active, supportive friends that I can support in return.
  • 5'2" and about 118-120
  • mariai_martinez
    mariai_martinez Posts: 37 Member
    5' 1.5" <that counts right ;)
    SW: 176
    CW: 142.6
    GW: 120 (dependent on how I feel of course)

    Feel free to add me, I am very active on MFP.
  • nikki2572
    nikki2572 Posts: 11 Member
    I am 5'2". My goal weight is somewhere between 113-120. It has been so long since I have been in the 120 range I won't know until I lose some weight. My current Weight is 150 which is the heaviest I have ever weight. The last couple years I have a stayed around 138-145.
  • irleshay
    irleshay Posts: 102 Member
    I'm 5'2".

    SW: 146
    CW: 121-122
  • jlhudsons
    jlhudsons Posts: 30 Member
    Hello fellow shorties! They say big things come in small packages but we don`t really want to be the "big things" do we? LOL! Okay, so I have done fitness pal before and I assure you, it works! You must be dedicated. So now I am back, not exactly liking what I see in the mirror! Even my spanx are laughing and telling me they are NOT miracle workers! LOL! So, keep it light and remember we are all here to support eachother. I am about 5 feet and weigh 120 pounds. Doesn`t sound bad? Well, I have my own built in life preserver and my shorts I wore last summer don`t fit. NOT GOOD! Even though I am 62 years young, Geeze that sounds old! I NEED to get this belly fat under control. So I am back and need to be accountable for what I eat and how much I do as far as exercise. We are all together in this so let`s go! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!