

  • The most important thing is to make sure you are wearing good shoes. Go get fitted at a running specialized store and they will make sure you are wearing the proper footwear, even if you're just walking now. Next, ice is always the best treatment. You can also look online for stretches geared towards shin splints. Another…
    in Shin pain Comment by aphaake August 2011
  • Same problem! I seriously met with a personal trainer about it yesterday. He told me "that is the last door that opens" during body transformation. He told me it happens with everyone, especially women because of their hormone levels. Wonderful. I'd love any tips of battling that particular section if you have them!
  • There's no such thing as a plateau. Jillian Michels dispelled that myth. The faux wall hits when people stop being rigorous about tracking and don't adjust their per day calorie intake based on their new weight as they continue to lose. Fortunately myfitnesspal does that for you automatically so as long as you don't cheat…
  • Hi Stephanie! My family is going to Cedar Point at the end of July, our first trip. Since you're a nurse you already know all of this but it took me three months to lose 10 pounds. It's just a process. And you have to really follow and track everything to a tee, that's the only way it works. No cheating. You didn't say how…
  • Even if they don't specifically help with weight loss Acai is like a super-nutrient! You should take it to give your body extra health benefits.
    in Acai Comment by aphaake April 2011