

  • 30DS? is that the 30 Day Shred??
  • Thank you! I used a 5lb weight. Whew! I don't think I have sweated or worked that hard in a LONG time, even on the elliptical.
  • I too sometimes work long hours and am on my feet constantly! What I find helpful is celery with peanut butter for the extra protein. Peanuts is also a favorite! It's easy to grab a few and eat while your walking to your destination :)
  • Congratulations on the new baby!! I know exactly what you mean. I have 3 children ages 6,4 and 3 and I finally decided to get on the move to lose. I gained A LOT of weight with my first and still have some of that weight and it's all right in the belly. Good luck to you! I know you can do it :)
    in New Mom!! Comment by Sandy642 May 2011