MNTom Member


  • You've been given a lot of good advice, but at your weight I hope you will see and talk to your physician first. You may have some health issues that require you to do things a little differently than for a dieter that has much less to lose. I wish you the best! Day at a time!
  • I'm restarting today as well. All I can say is: "I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!". Have I said that I hate it?
  • Any quote from the White House.
  • Reading some of these stupid discussions.
  • As an old guy, I don't think I would do much different overall. There are numerous mistakes that I have made and some things I wish I could have done better for my family, but overall life has been good to me. Most of my good fortune has come because I was born in the US. Just luck, I guess. "If wishes were horses, beggars…
  • I've been here a long time, but pretty sporadic in tracking/working on it. I don't have a lot to lose, but it's been there for 15 years! :(
  • Walking briskly for an hour is all you need to start out. Almost anyone can do that. If you get tired, slow down just a bit, but try to get in at least 45 minutes.
  • Drugs/Foods that restrict absorption of food/nutrients will cause weight loss but they are dangerous to one's health. The only safe way to lose weight is what I call the "Four Word Diet". EAT LESS, DO MORE! Dr. Oz is a quack who has traded his medical diploma (if he has one) for a TV career.
  • Some things should be banned as bad for the soul. Fat-free cheese and fat-free ice cream head that list.
  • There are legs....and then there are legs!
  • There is only one diet that works. I call it the "Four Word Diet". EAT LESS, DO MORE! :happy: All diets are variations of the Four Word Diet.
  • I think the best way to lose that much is to stay on a healthy diet of 1200-1300 and start a running program, if your joints are okay. For me, running outside was the most efficient weight management exercise. It uses a lot of calories, it can be done without serious equipment in almost any location, it is time-effective,…
  • Hi, Jennifer Try to remember that every morning is a new day. If you screwed up yesterday, acknowledge it and move forward. If you do this, you will lose weight and achieve your goals. Your major opponents? "It doesn't matter anymore, so I might as well... (fill in the blank)." When you feel down, go for a walk. Look…
  • I'm 68 years old. I started working regularly when I was in my early 30's. It's made all the difference for me. When I was losing 17 pounds about 8 years ago, I was so glad that I had the 150-300 calories a day that exercise bought me. I can't run anymore (bad knees), but there are lots of other things that can be done.…
  • I had 7 pounds to go in October, but then I've been screwing up all winter and I've gained four. Now, I have 11 to go! :frown: I'm getting encouraged reading these posts, so today is a new day. I'm going for it again. Wish me luck (and fortitude)!