

  • You should ask the hospital or your doctor to work with you for a payment plan. I had to have a procedure done and they were very nice to work with the costs and reduce some of it based on income and them set up a payment plan. Its costly but better than living in pain. There are many options available. But I never put my…
  • i feel ur pain... :) my schedual is ever changing and it makes it really hard to keep my life at a steady pace. During the week i have long days of Clinical rotation a few days a week then class and studying on the others, and then i work 3 double shifts serving on the weekends since thats the only time i can work! I dont…
  • I dont quite understand how this turned into such a But it did. i tend to cook most of my food myself. Im a good cook and i hate salty food so i find the premade stuff is too salty for me. i use herbs and veggies to flavor my food. I eat mostly whole foods unless im busy then its more like ok i will stop…
  • Thanks for the suggestions so far. I am a nursing student and am well aware of how the body needs carbs to work and maintain sugar and energy levels. I get plenty of sleep. May be the stress that gets me since i am currently in school. I tend to eat well for the most part. Over the past year i have tried to make at least…