

  • Yes, as long as you get beyond the first painful few times. If you can find time to take pilates, or do it online, those are amazing rigorous ab exercises, and this one has been already changing my tummy:
  • Thank you all for your great advice. I am very appreciative. I've added each of you as a friend and I hope we can support and motivate each other. I will get a tape measure and start look at various ways to interpret results. And I might just have to Break Up with my scale :) Thanks, so much, again. TG
  • I agree that this was argumentative and unhelpful. I am having a hard time meeting the 1200 Goal as well. I've been eating instant oatmeal with some cinnamon and nuts and that usually helps. 110 calories for the Oatmeal and the nuts, it really depends. I have to meet my goal today as well, which will probably result in…
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