having hard time meeting calorie goal

Hi so my calorie goal is a little over 1300 a day. I can never seem to reach it! I'm always under. When I hit that I'm done for the day it always tells me I need to eat 1200 atleast a day for nutrition and so I don't go into starvation mode. Does anyone else have this problem? Over eating even tho I'm 244lbs wasn't my BIG problem it was never moving I'm a stay at home mom. Before I started all of this I pretty much only ever ate dinner and never healthy dinners so eating all day is kinda hard. I thought when u diet ur supposed to feel hungry not full! Is it really that important to meet 1200 calories a day? I work out about 30mins to a hr every morning at the gym and it also wants me to eat back the calories I burn off...to me that like "do u know how hard I worked to burn thoses calories no way am I going to eat them back!" Lol I guess feeling full on a diet isn't a horrible thing but I just wanna know if its really that important to get that many calories. I kind rambled sorry. Also I have a open dairy for friends if anyone would like to add me maybe u can see what I'm doing wrong and give a tip? Thanks


  • fitaholic718
    fitaholic718 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm trying to understand this stuff as well. Good question!
  • KalieHudson
    KalieHudson Posts: 307 Member
    Welcome! Losing weight can be confusing and making friends with open diaries is a great way to get meal ideas. I would try eating things that are naturally high in calories like nuts as snacks to reach your daily intake. I have an open diary that you can check out. I have sent you a friend request. Anyone feel free to add me!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    if you're not used to eating many meals, your body isn't going to be hungry when you eat more. it's used to one meal a day, that was probably not enough calories...unless you were eating mountains of rubbish?

    you do need to eat that amount. you probably need to eat more than that amount.

    plan your meals for the day, pay attention to hitting the macros, in particular the protein and fat. if you need to make yourself eat, do it. gradually your body will become accustomed to being regularly fuelled, and you'll get your hunger cues back.
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    It wants you to eat back the calories burned because food is fuel, and you're using up fuel your body needs for other basic functions when you exercise; you need more fuel in your car when you're driving it across the country than you do driving it to the store and back.

    At a guess - since I can't see your diary - I'd wager that you've made different dietary choices than you did before attempting to lose weight, and are now eating foods that aren't as calorie dense as what you were before. While this is a potentially valid choice, it's often harder to maintain that in the long run than it is to simply continue to eat the foods you did before, while paying attention to macros and total calories per day. Eating those more calorie-dense foods, whether they're 'treats' or things like nuts or meat or full-fat dairy, can often lead to both an easier time meeting your calorie goals, and greater satiety.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You were eating too much if you are 244 lb. not exercising does not make you gain, eating too many cals does. I can easily eat 1200 cals and don't buy it that people are "too full" to reach 1200
  • You were eating too much if you are 244 lb. not exercising does not make you gain, eating too many cals does. I can easily eat 1200 cals and don't buy it that people are "too full" to reach 1200

    Wow thanks for the no-help comment. sad when people feel the need to comment simply to be argumentative ... everyone else that was great info thank you very much :)
  • You were eating too much if you are 244 lb. not exercising does not make you gain, eating too many cals does. I can easily eat 1200 cals and don't buy it that people are "too full" to reach 1200

    Wow thanks for the no-help comment. sad when people feel the need to comment simply to be argumentative ... everyone else that was great info thank you very much :)

    I agree that this was argumentative and unhelpful. I am having a hard time meeting the 1200 Goal as well. I've been eating instant oatmeal with some cinnamon and nuts and that usually helps. 110 calories for the Oatmeal and the nuts, it really depends. I have to meet my goal today as well, which will probably result in waiting till I am hungry (late).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You are likely underestimating your intake. 1300 calories is nothing...hell, a typical meal out is close to 1,000 +.

    If indeed you can't meet such paltry calorie goals it is likely you've cut far too much dietary fat out...dietary fat is an essential nutrient...eat nuts, avocados, cook with olive oil, etc. One tiny ounce of nuts...a very small handful has 150 calories plus. Half of an avocado is around 120....cooking with just a Tbsp of olive oil will add a good 110 calories to anything.
  • You are likely underestimating your intake. 1300 calories is nothing...hell, a typical meal out is close to 1,000 +.

    If indeed you can't meet such paltry calorie goals it is likely you've cut far too much dietary fat out...dietary fat is an essential nutrient...eat nuts, avocados, cook with olive oil, etc. One tiny ounce of nuts...a very small handful has 150 calories plus. Half of an avocado is around 120....cooking with just a Tbsp of olive oil will add a good 110 calories to anything.

    Sent u a friend request. My diary is open to friends. I'm literally eating all day. And yes a meal out can be that but I don't pick meals that are that high the last thing I ate out was at perkins and it was 500 calories.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I dont understand….we did not get obese by underrating so how is it hard to get to 1300 calories…I mean, you did not get obese by underrating all the time, so hitting 1300 should be easy ...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    You were eating too much if you are 244 lb. not exercising does not make you gain, eating too many cals does. I can easily eat 1200 cals and don't buy it that people are "too full" to reach 1200

    Wow thanks for the no-help comment. sad when people feel the need to comment simply to be argumentative ... everyone else that was great info thank you very much :)

    i believe the person is just stating a common sense question …which is, how can it be hard to eat 1300 when to get obese you/us/everyone was eating a lot more than that …?
  • I might be going to extreme with the calories. That is why I asked if it really that important to meet the calorie goal that mfp sets for you. I just find it hard after sweating my butt off at the gym every day to not notice calories everywhere on everthing. :/
  • You were eating too much if you are 244 lb. not exercising does not make you gain, eating too many cals does. I can easily eat 1200 cals and don't buy it that people are "too full" to reach 1200

    Wow thanks for the no-help comment. sad when people feel the need to comment simply to be argumentative ... everyone else that was great info thank you very much :)

    I'm not going to debate her comment as I didn't say it. It just wasn't a helpful comment. In no way did she answer any question I asked. If I say I'm full I'm full how is it for her to judge if I am or not?

    i believe the person is just stating a common sense question …which is, how can it be hard to eat 1300 when to get obese you/us/everyone was eating a lot more than that …?

  • If that's true I'm eating plenty of calories maybe even to many which would explain why I'm FULL :) god I can't believe that I'm having a debate on if I'm full or not! Lol
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,519 Member
    My goal is 1450 cals net; generally, I eat closer to 1850 (b/c I eat back pretty much all of my exercise cals). I have to agree that 1300 cals is nothing.

    Are you weighing your food with a scale/measuring cups? Eyeballing it doesn't work all that well. I eyeballed most of my meals for the last year...I have been able to maintain. I started on Dec 1st more accurately measuring my food, and I definitely was underestimating cals (not by a whole lot, but by just enough to keep me in "maintenance" and not losing the last few lbs).

    I am a stay-at-home mom too. I only have 1 at home full-time right now...1 just started school. I'm a little bit more regimented no that I have 1 kid in school. One thing that has helped me is to prep meals in the evening. When I pack my son's lunch for school, I make a lunch for myself. I also set my crockpot at night to cook steel cut oatmeal for myself and the kids. It's ready when I get up. Also, I boil eggs on Sunday and keep them in the fridge for a quick easy breakfast.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    You were eating too much if you are 244 lb. not exercising does not make you gain, eating too many cals does. I can easily eat 1200 cals and don't buy it that people are "too full" to reach 1200

    Wow thanks for the no-help comment. sad when people feel the need to comment simply to be argumentative ... everyone else that was great info thank you very much :)

    I'm being honest. Are you saying you gained weight eating 1000 cals per day??? Part of the journey is being honest.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    You were eating too much if you are 244 lb. not exercising does not make you gain, eating too many cals does. I can easily eat 1200 cals and don't buy it that people are "too full" to reach 1200

    Wow thanks for the no-help comment. sad when people feel the need to comment simply to be argumentative ... everyone else that was great info thank you very much :)

    I'm not going to debate her comment as I didn't say it. It just wasn't a helpful comment. In no way did she answer any question I asked. If I say I'm full I'm full how is it for her to judge if I am or not?

    i believe the person is just stating a common sense question …which is, how can it be hard to eat 1300 when to get obese you/us/everyone was eating a lot more than that …?

    Actually she asked a very good question.

    If you are having trouble eating 1300 calories, just eat more dense food, as someone stated above, like peanut butter 2 tbsp is 200 calories, handful of nuts is 200+ calories, lots of ways to get more calories. Plus MFP is set up that you are supposed to eat back your exercise calories. Good luck.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You can still eat calorie dense foods...a calorie is just a unit of energy...it is not necessarily indicative of nutrition or lack thereof. There are extremely nutrient dense foods which are also calorie dense....and nutrient void foods that are also void of calories and vice versa.

    Again, it is highly likely that you are cutting out too much dietary fat...and you're also probably playing the labeling game and labeling foods as good or bad based on their calorie content. You need to make sure you're getting enough protein and healthy fats in addition to your nutrients that come from fruit and veg. A lot of those nutrients are fat soluble which means you actually need dietary fat for your body to absorb them.

    I would suggest doing a bit of research on proper nutrition and how to eat a balanced diet...it'll help a lot.

  • If that's true I'm eating plenty of calories maybe even to many which would explain why I'm FULL :) god I can't believe that I'm having a debate on if I'm full or not! Lol

    Oooo I read ur comment wrong..sigh well either way i am full and i eat about 5 or 6 times a day and i drink tons of water.