Tebroda Member


  • If you have that many calories to goal, then by all means, eat them! I try to not eat in the evening, but that's only because I usually have hit my goal already...I don't need the extra food and tend to eat out of habit instead of hunger then.
  • Any new fad that has already been proven false. THIS time said fad will be true, I swear! The latest one I was told is that a friend of a friend's cousin (reliable source, of course!) lost 10 lbs by simply grinding their own pepper. Apparently, factory-ground pepper has more dust in it than actual pepper, thus leading to…
  • There are also people on the large frame side of this as well! I'm 5'2" and when I was less than 125 lbs, I was asked constantly if I was well (by strangers even). Being that it's been about 10 years since I've been that thin, I've set my goal considerably higher. Body composition and general health are more important than…
  • Just want to fit what I have (size 8) without feeling like they're cutting into me or having my ankles swell from the circulation being cut off. I was in a size 4 years ago and was told that I looked like I was sick so I wouldn't try to be much smaller than a size 6-8 for my frame.
  • I could feel the fat rolls on my back move when I walked...eewwwwww! Gaining 15 pounds in the first 3 weeks of Dec will do that to ya :D