I love to see your style progress as your confidence grows! It's like you're discovering who you are! You look just fabulous!
Just a recap. I got pretty bent out of shape about some of the comments. I had a feeling I shouldn't say my actual weight, because I realize I'm not a heavy person. More so, I was just venting because I was darn close. I don't think I'm fat. But I have some chub I could lose, and would prefer to lose. Maybe if I just…
I totally did read it wrong, I need to head out to work and tried to read the comments quickly. Gah. I have to apparently add that I drink quite a bit of water. Since many people suggested I don't drink enough. Honestly I just wanted support, i didn't expect so many people to tell me my goals are all wong.
I wish I never even posted on here.
Hey, I would definitely count it as exercise! Here's a link to calulate how many cals you probably burned. Enter your weight and how many hours you worked at it! I even saw a mom magazine listing it as an exercise. 6 hours, girl you're tough. ;)
One of my best friends has been dading a guy for about 5 or 6 years. They don't have anything in common. He's actually into video games and cars, but is so lame he's never even done a doughnut in his car - and she is into fashion and baking. They are companions. But they do nothing adventurous. Nothing exciting. I think he…
@ kford12 I love pin-up style!
You look vibrant! There's a new light in your eyes and your style is awesome! You're starting to look like ellie goulding!
That's so cute you both wanted to look good for each other! And you do look great! Hope you have a joyous reunion!
Its so dang cold and windy out it hurts your face here. All I did yesterday was watch tv.
THANK YOU! I knew there was a way, I saw someone track their thigh, lol!
Hi there, I'm sort of in the same boat, I've never been overweight, but I probably took that for granted and would snack on anything with no limitations. Well how I've got some extra baggage... just a bit, and I want to take care of it NOW before I full on let myself go. I'm trying to lose 10 pounds, and as of today am…
Congrats on all your hard work, you look awesome!
Hey there! I'm 26 and I partly want to lose weight because I always complain about it to my husband, and I'm sure it's a major buzz kill that I always comment on my own chub but never get around to working on it. I'm going to make this my year to love my body again. I didn't even think I was a real snacky person but since…
So inspiring, it gives me shivers! Thanks for sharing your story so far!