kthejoker20 Member


  • Thanks for the replies. I have recalculated my calories. It went up to 1930 now. I was at 1400 to 1600 for the past month and I think that screwed me up. For the past 2 days, it seems to be working now and I am going negative again. I think I might have been under eating for awhile. That forced my body to get hungry and…
  • Can someone provide me an example of a days worth of food if I eliminate the rev sandwich wraps? I thought those were healthy... I can't find anything to eat. I work 12hrs shifts and bring a cooler to work. Microwave food is not an option for me.
  • THought I would post to help people out. I to really struggled getting the polar loop to pair with an h6 heart monitor. But I figured out how to get it to pair. It takes patience. It's not easy like they claim. Wet the strap, then mount it on your chest, then place sensor on strap. Next, press and hold the polar loop…