

  • great thanks everyone for the advice. Looks like there is no exact measuring technique for bf %, which makes sense. Found tip of taking just a picture and having people looking at it interesting. Seems to be probably the most accurate method.
  • Yes I can help you if you can do the same for me. As you know it is about lasting change, not only in appearance but also in behavior. So the mindset is really important I find. Goodbye indulged deserts and bad food forever and workout is part of your live. The most difficult thing is to get started and into a routine to…
  • Thanks makes sense, I am attempting half an iron man in september. So i have a little bit of time to prepare. I did a few olympic distances in the last few years.
  • Again all of the above, but something not mentioned here so far is the frequency. Try to exercise with your body weight 3-4 times a week for about 45-60 mins, like the length of a gym class. Less is ok as well, but you will get faster results with a more vigorous workout routine.
  • From a nutrition point of view it makes a big difference when and how much you eat, because your body can only absorb certain amount of nutrients per meal. For example your body can only absorb 20 g of proteins per meal/snack. So most people eat only 10-15g in the morning, about 25g in the evening and 50-60g for dinner…
  • Sodas in general should only be enjoyed in moderation. The full sugar sodas are bad and only add empty calories, but no harm drinking them occasionally. Like with a lot of things occasional consumption is fine. Diet sodas don't add to the calories, but the artificial sweetener messes with the brain chemistry. The chemical…
  • Hi, you seem to know a lot about nutrition already, which is great. The key to gain muscle mass in our age is of course to eat correctly and do the right exercise. Both of which you are already doing. First you have to calculate your optimal calorie intake based on your lean muscle mass, (body mass - fat mass)*42kcal. This…
  • Agree, just takes a bit longer. I am exercising regular and I am loosing weight when I do a lot and gaining if I don't. So studies are not always correct as they aim to support the sponsor of the study.
  • I would look into the Polar H7, the bluetooth one. I bought it a few month ago and find the bluetooth a very good addition. This can be used with most gym equipment and additionally it is now supported by a lot of iPhone apps, like Runkeeper etc. It comes with an iPhone and Android app as well. So it will give you best of…
  • Hi I just started on mfp, so maybe you can give me some advice on how to use it. I am here to get fit, what is your goal?