ajax041813 Member


  • I have on occasion put a splash in my water for flavor. I don't know if there are any real side effects from it, I haven't done it that much. I also read that drinking it can help kill/cure Candida yeast overgrowth in the digestive system. Again, have no idea if that is true or what.
  • Great idea on the lunchbox! I recommend salads of all kinds, dark leafy greens and egg salads are my favorite. With a cooler/lunchbox, your options are endless. Yogurt, cottage cheese, cooked bacon, hard boiled eggs, deli meats, veggies prepped with dips like ranch, hummus, etc. You could also take tuna, or salmon. Even…
  • I ran into the same issue about a month ago. I did several crockpot meals that could be heated in microwave, stews, curries, chili and just some meats too. I keep frozen veggies on hand all the time so I would steam them in the microwave after the main course was heated, I found the veggies stay hot longer this way. I also…
  • I use it for cooking and baking, haven't tried to just eat a spoonful as some people can. I get the refined kind since I don't want everything tasting like coconut. I use it for cooking anything on the stove since it has a higher smoke point. I also use bacon grease but when that runs out, I turn to coconut oil. I also…
  • I'm 5'4" my starting weight was 172 current weight is 157 goal weight is 140 I will most likely modify my goals when I reach 140. I'd like to be strong and fit with a low percentage of body fat. I'm probably at near 40% now, I haven't had it measured by a professional. I'd really like to cut that in half. I'm in it to win…
  • I use just butter, the combo was too much for me. I use grass fed butter, 2-2.5 tbsp. per coffee. I also use a little sweet leaf sweetener and blend just a few seconds for me works great. The fats make a nice frothy foam on top, like the fats from milks used in lattes. It tastes rich, scrumptious. Try it! Its a great way…
  • Here is the second recipe, a dairy free fat bomb!!! Chocolate Coconut Fat Bomb 12oz creamed coconut 4oz unsweetened baking chocolate 2 tbsp. Swerve sweetener 10 drops sweet leaf liquid stevia, vanilla flavor 1 tsp vanilla I made a double boiler by placing a large glass bowl over a small pot of water and turned the heat up…
  • Here are two more recipes: Chicken & Spinach Casserole 1lb ground chicken 3 cups spinach & kale 5 garlic cloves, chopped 20 olives 1/8 cup lemonaise 1/4 cup sour cream 1 zucchini sliced in rounds 1/2 bag frozen cauliflower, about 5oz. Steam cauliflower while cooking other food. Brown the chicken, place in large bowl.…
  • HI! I would love to be friends!!! I follow a paleo & ketogenic way of eating. I started Paleo in the spring, fell off for a couple months then get on keto in july. I make almost all of the meals/food we eat from clean sources and have loads of grain free, dairy free (I can't do dairy, some can!) gluten free, sugar free…
  • I agree with the previous poster. Check out ketogenic way of eating, just google it. It's a way of flipping a switch in your body to use fat as fuel. It can be daunting at first since it low carb, moderate protein and high fat. There is lots of information about it so just read up on it and see if it would fit your…
  • I love hearing my co-workers say "You can eat that!?!" when I pull out pork rinds, pepperoni or pudding (made with avocado) on my "diet." I just say "yes, I can." Not sure what they are thinking as they leave it alone. I have lost about 15lbs in 2 months so the weight loss is visible to me, maybe not everyone else. I do…
  • yes, this is delicious. I have made it several different ways and love it every time! I never used to like cauliflower!!!!
  • I've been keto for 2 months now and have lost a total of 16 lbs! Add me and I'll add you all!!! I make most of my own meal so I have tons of recipes to share if you are interested!!!! Yippee!!!! I have to say that I love eating snacks at work cuz my coworkers are always saying, "You can have that?" (pork rinds, pepperoni)…
  • I was on 1400 at first and it was impossible for me to stay under. I am tracking macros more than calories though so I didn't let it get to me. I did use another site to calculate my calories since I'm following a ketogenic way of eating. Then I upped it to 1669 and I have been working out so I get those calories to…
  • I check in daily and am on the boards every other day probably. It helps me to stay motivated as well. Send me a request! Or I'll find you too! You have made a great first step and you are being realistic which is very smart. Take small steps and make small changes, they will add up to big ones over the long haul. It's…
  • Add me as well! I make most of my own food, follow a low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet and will gladly share recipes, tips and tricks with you! Start small with manageable steps and you got this. Slow and steady wins this race. Be prepared for people on here to say that eating clean doesn't matter. I strongly…
  • Hi there! Feel free to add me as friend, I eat a mostly clean, low carb, moderate protein, high fat diet. I am not saying that you should eat the same way, just explaining the way.of eating I am following. My calorie goal is 1669 a day. Take a look at my diary! Great job upping your calories, too low can be harmful! Look…
  • I would suggest cooking a few different proteins, veggies, carbs if you eat them for the week. Keep them separate and reheat as needed for each meal. That way your husband can reheat for.himself and your son at a different time than you will. You can grill meats up ahead, chicken, steak, sausages, I love my george foreman…
  • I JUST started running this week and have gotten out there 3x in the last week. Right now my average mile is 15min so you are doing very well!!!! Right now my goal is to get out there and run! I was able to do an extra quarter mile today, it just felt good. I am still walking and running, quarter mile at a time, after a 5…
  • Here is my suggestion for a shake: 1 avocado 2-3 cups mixed greens, spinach and kale usually, sometimes red and green chard. 3-4 cups almond milk, unsweetened vanilla 1 tsp vanilla extract 1 tbsp. cinnamon This recipe yields between 30-40oz of shake. I make this recipe because it's easier for me to have some prepped in the…
  • Here is a sample of my day: breakfast: bulletproof coffee- coffee blended with grassfed butter, a dash of almond milk, cinnamon and liquid sweetener. am snack: hard boiled egg, bacon or pepperoni green smoothie: avocado, mixed greens, almond milk, vanilla and cinnamon YUM! Lunch: mixed greens, 5 green olive, protein…
  • I have also eliminated everything on your list except eggs, and I can do butter and I tried sour cream today hoping that will be ok. Here is what I do: breakfast: bulletproof coffee: coffee blended with butter, almond milk and liquid stevia sweetener sunflower seed butter: blend roasted, salted sunflower seeds in food…
  • cavemancooking.com paleomom.com againstallgrain.com graciouspantry.com paleoOMG.com nomnompaleo.com ketodietapp.com mywholefoodslife.com I think that covers my go to's. Don't be scared if you aren't paleo or keto. You can sub out any ingredients for whatever you have in your cupboard, of course. I like these sites because…
  • There is nothing wrong with eating red meat! There is also nothing wrong with not eating red meat! Ha! I recently read a little about the different blood types and how that can affect what we need in our bodies to be operating at the best level. I would agree with the other posters, just cook beef for him and chicken for…
  • Keep lots of spices on hand so you can prep the same things for the week and make each meal a little different. I also like making a couple of different salad dressing to have on hand for drizzling over things. I always like to have garlic powder, onion powder, dill, paprika, chili powder, and cumin. These are a good group…
  • I did not read through all 6 pages to see if anyone suggested this already. Start buying spices! They aren't that expensive, I get dried ones since they last longer. Fresh herbs are great as well, though you do have to use them quickly or freezing them is an option. Like I said, I get dried spices and they make all the…
  • I have been eating low carb for about 6 weeks now and I feel amazing!!! In every way, physically, emotionally, mentally. I do feel like I am more in control of my emotions, even coming off of my cycle week when I am usually in tears at least once and I have no idea why at the time. My emotions were still higher than normal…
  • Here is my go to recipe: 2 cups mixed greens 4 cups almond milk 1 avocado 2tbsp cocoa powder 1tsp vanilla 1 dropper full, Sweet Leaf drops chocolate flavor Thats it! You can add more greens if youd like, I play with the portions all the time. If you add fruit, you can skip the Sweet Leaf. Im doing low carb so no.fruit for…
  • I am trying to get better about this myself. I do input daily, after I have eaten something. Im trying to weigh things out but I need a better scale. I do preplan, a day ahead at least. Tonight i made ground pork and ground chicken at the same time, stir fry style. While things were cooking, I got out two tupperware and…