

  • Sometimes overeating like that will kick start your metabolism. Just eat really well and for the next 3 or 4 days and do your normal thing. If you cut too far back it will lead to a binge =( Not good...you know how your body responds so just be very careful with what you eat.
  • Alot of people think granola is a "healthy" food. HOWEVER, MOST granolas are LOADED with sugars and additives that really rack up the calories. For quick snacks try the snickers Marathon Nutrition bars, good protein and a good chew/crunch. Lost of times its that texture that we crave. if you can find something that can…
  • In order to lose body fat you need to increase your weights. Increased cardio will help you lose the extra calories but the weights will build the muscle. Muscle burns at a higher rate and the more muscle you have the more calories you burn just sitting there. Strength training by circuit training is a good way to begin…
  • AWESOME! Your trainer is RIGHT ON with particular reply! Very smart!
  • You can lose too much too fast (unfortunately) and what you are losing too much of is BONE MASS/DENSITY and MUSCLE (which you want to keep and build!!!!) Studies have shown that those who lose weight too fast are at a higher risk of gaining it back PLUS SOME than those who take it off at a slower, more methodical rate.…
  • Congrats on deciding to change the way you eat! YOU are the ONLY ONE who can make that happen and the fact that you have started doing it is a HUGE step in the right direction! Congrats! that fact that you are losing so quickly mostly has to do with all of the excess you have on you so you will lose at a much faster rate…
  • 3 hours before bed time is a good rule of thumb. If you eat right before you go to bed your body has a hard time shutting down to do its repairs. It is still trying to digest and process the foods that you have just ingested. You don't sleep as well either. It also has a hard time converting into glycogen...but rather is…
  • i love all natural foods and cottage cheese is a GREAT way to get in your calcium and protein with a punch! I am a berry person and LOVE berries on it! I add mixed berries and Cinnamon to it. that way the berries add enough sweet and the saigon cinn that I use is sweet as well. Often i will crunch up a few walnuts to add…
  • yeah you should definitely be logging your lifting. You actually burn MORE calories with a shorter lifting program than you would walking or jogging. It needs to be with little rest though (otherwise known as circuit training) But yes def log it. Hope that helps.
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