akboy58 Member


  • I've made a modified version of this recipe a couple of times recently, and it's really tasty. The red lentils are harder to find, but worth the search. They cook down to mush, like split peas, then I take an extra step and puree the soup. Don't bother buying cumin seeds/grinding/toasting, etc. -- the regular dried spices…
  • My Fitbit Aria scale has had me at 19-20% body fat since I started daily weigh-ins last August. I had heard that those impedence readings were notoriously inaccurate; and the other day when I finally got my nutritionist to take measurements with calipers, she came up with 14% body fat. Guess which measurement I'm taking!
  • Yep -- that. I was with my trainer for several months before starting my diet, and I didn't lose an ounce. If anything I gained weight. But he took every opportunity to tell me -- non-judgmentally but professionally -- that we could reach more of my fitness goals faster if I lost some weight. He turned me on to…
  • As of last week's checkup I am OFF all meds: no more BP medication, no more statins, no more heart medication -- woo-hoo!
  • This is not only my favorite turkey meatloaf, it's my favorite meatloaf of any kind: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/turkey-and-quinoa-meatloaf/ I use two eggs, but otherwise I follow the recipe pretty closely. Yum.
  • Calorie adjustment has been inconsistent for a week or two now -- the numbers are all over the place, sometimes a 400 calorie adjustment recorded at the end of a big exercise day will disappear before I go to bed, or go up/down at random with every MFP login. Sometimes it will settle down if I sync my Charge HR to the…
  • I have PB every day for breakfast on a low-carb pita. EVERY day. Never touched it when I was heavy, now I can't get enough of it. I use a regular teaspoon to scoop it, otherwise my "two tablespoons" would end up like, half a cup!
  • I got in the habit of eating the same thing every day when I was in weight-loss mode, and now that I'm in maintenance I can't seem to shake it. I usually mix it up for dinner, but my standard breakfast is natural PB on a low-carb pita, and my standard lunch is a kale salad with chicken. I never get tired of either of these…
  • I like the Smuckers Natural creamy -- peanuts and salt, nothing else. I stir it up thoroughly when I first open it, then give it another quick stir every time I use it. It is part of my every-day breakfast, so I go through about a jar a week; but I leave it on my counter I refrigerated, I've never had it go stale on me.
  • If you're willing to try something new, I've been relying on a similar product: https://www.josephsbakery.com/shop/flax-oat-bran-and-whole-wheat/flax-oat-bran-whole-wheat-pita-bread.html It's only 60 calories, and quite tasty. I can't always find it locally in stores, so I often order it -- by the dozen! -- direct from the…
  • Two TBSPs of a natural peanut butter -- currently it's Smucker's Creamy -- on a low-carb high-fiber pita, plus lots and lots and LOTS of coffee, unsweetened, with 2% milk. That's almost every day. I don't often want a change, but when I do, or when I'm on the road, I generally go for poached eggs on buttered whole wheat…
  • I find MFP and my Fitbit Charge HR incredibly useful tools. I don't think I could have lost the weight without the one, and maintaining would be hugely more difficult without the other. But like some of the other posters, I'm a compulsive tracker, and these gadgets feed into that. I really enjoy logging my daily calories,…
  • Six-ounce salmon filet microwaved with some tamari, homemade creamed spinach (frozen chopped spinach + greek yogurt), and a cup of Near East Mediterranean curry couscous. Yum.
  • Coffee doesn't affect me that way, but It IS acidic, so I wonder if some of what you're feeling is stomach irritation. I have a similar reaction to ibuprofen -- my body interprets the mild acid stomach it produces as hunger.
  • I average 8,000-12,000 steps a day. It's a pretty accurate measurement of my steps, not always so much my running up and down stairs, and my workouts.
  • THIS. I got to be 80 lbs overweight in the first place partly because of chronic injuries, which in turn were caused mostly by my fundamental ignorance of proper exercise form (and total lack of coordination). I've been with my trainer for two years now, and while it hasn't been completely smooth sailing -- I'm 57 years…
  • Homemade cheese straws appetizer Carrot ginger soup to start, Roast turkey, with Oyster casserole Chestnut stuffing Waldorf salad Green beans with tarragon butter and Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting for dessert NOMNOMnomnomnom
  • I used to ruin several neckties a year from spillage -- haven't spilled a drop (or had to buy a new necktie) since I lost all the weight!
  • Mine is usually 54-55 bpm, higher (58-59) if I'm stressed or sick. I've only been tracking it since last August when I got my Fitbit Charge HR, and was also initially surprised to find it so low. I'm 57 YO, 6' and 177 lbs, down from 255 lbs, and my routine is not SUPER athletic -- twice a week workouts with a trainer and…
  • November 13, 2013 -- I had an appointment with a specialist to get the results of a home sleep study, and was told I had severe apnea, and had to be fitted with a CPAP device right away. I HATE the very thought of those things, so I made a deal with my doctor: take the CPAP off the table, and I lose 20 pounds. He agreed,…
  • I love salmon, and eat a lot of it to reach my protein goals. I used to brush it with oilve oil and tamari then broil it, but now I take a 6-oz frozen filet and just microwave it on high for 3.5 minutes with some seasoning -- twice as fast, equally delicious, and saves the olive oil calories. Another favorite calorie…
  • ^THIS^ I've been working with a trainer for several months and yesterday he complimented me on my progress, and said how much he was learning professionally from this "project" of taking a 56-year old formerly sedentary and 80-lbs overweight guy to a state of (almost) fitness!
  • ^THAT^ I'm coming up on my third Thanksgiving since starting my diet, and my first on maintenance. What has worked for me is doing triage on the goodies, focusing on the stuff(ing) I love the best. (Turkey and gravy is at the top of my personal list, followed by my sweetie's chestnut stuffing, while pie is near the bottom,…
  • I also make stock -- pints and pints of stock -- from the turkey carcase, but my favorite thing to do with the leftover meat is to make Turkey Tetrazzini. Not exactly lo-cal, but: Absolutely. Delicious.
  • Homemade Chex Mix (aka "Nuts & Bolts"). Bigtime holiday tradition at our house, and I will have my (moderate) daily fix, even if I have to live on carrot sticks and clear soup between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
  • Definitely this^ This will be my third holiday season since rethinking my relationship with food. The first year I dreaded Thanksgiving and Christmas because I had no clear idea what I could or couldn't eat, or what the consequences would be. Would I binge? Would I gain back all the weight I lost? Didn't happen -- I pigged…
  • It might not seem like a big deal for you youngsters, but this 56-year-old is ridiculously pleased to report that he ran up a flight of stairs two steps at a time today, something he hadn't been able to do without grievous bodily injury since about 1994.
  • I've been seeing a personal trainer once a week for about two years, and for me it's been a huge help, first in losing weight, and now in maintenance and recomp. He's not cheap, but he's got a physical therapy background, which he applies to get me past roadblocks like old back injuries, no cartilege left in one shoulder,…
  • Not just the best turkey meatloaf I've ever tasted, the best meatloaf of ANY kind I've ever tasted: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/213211/turkey-and-quinoa-meatloaf/