nasska16 Member


  • Congratulations! I'm about half way through my journey also, and sometimes you forget how far you've come because you are so focused on how much you have to go. It's nice to compare some old clothes and pics and celebrate what you've accomplished! You are looking great!
  • I don't have a treadmill, but I have a bike trainer for my bike, because I'm clearly not getting to bike outside in this Wisconsin winter. I got some of the wireless headphones for my tv so that I can actually hear what I'm watching over the racket the equipment makes, which helps a lot if you are trying to watch a movie.…
  • OMG I wanna friend you just for this comment! Awesome lol :laugh:
  • ha ha, you must live near me. I'm from WI and we just had -50 windchills and then proceeded to have a 33 degree thaw 7 days later. Where you from?
  • Hi! I'm new to MFP and was happy to find this group. Good luck with your sewing endeavors!!! I have a sewing machine but it exists only to repair the winter blankets my horses insist on destroying! Only broken 4 needles so far this winter ha ha lol! I am a barrel racer with a few moderately talented horses, and I really…
  • Any other competitive barrel racers in this group? I just joined MFP. Got two barrel horses running, a project going, and a beginner's lesson business I'm running. I'm very busy, get plenty of excercise, but I swear I'm ADDICTED to eating. Hopefully this will be the start to changing that. Grr, I have better technique as a…
  • Any other competitive barrel racers in this group? I just joined MFP. Got two barrel horses running, a project going, and a beginner's lesson business I'm running. I'm very busy, get plenty of excercise, but I swear I'm ADDICTED to eating. Hopefully this will be the start to changing that. Grr, I have better technique as a…