

  • I don't know if I downloaded something different or what, but I was not able to sync it to here.... I did sync it to FB though because it was easier to do that than to press that than to with my email, screen name, etc. I already did my treadmill workout this morning, but plan on going for a walk before I pick up my girls…
  • Do you have to put in your route, or does it just GPS you? I'm assuming its the ladder of the two?
  • Well, I tried the powder peanut butter with chocolate flavouring, and it wasn't bad! I mixed it with 1c plain greek yogurt, 1/2 banana and some blueberries. Not bad at all! :)
  • I just bought powder peanut butter thats 40 calories and 1 gram of fat for 2 tbsp. I don't know if its going to taste great, or like butt.... But I'm willing t try anything once! lol
  • To reply to a couple other people.... I used to track on here, and its a great tool! But for some reason I just feel more comfortable using WW. I used it to lose 100lbs+ before - I've gained about 50 back, and need to be serious again. For me, paying for something will give me accountability!!! Waisting money is not an…
  • But apparently it is hard to reply to a comment without being snarky and rude? Anyway... Like I said in my original post, I DO understand why its done, and as a whole, I really enjoy doing the points and using WW, however my point about having 0 point fruit is a valid one. I generally just add a point here or there for…
  • Apparently I had several, and didn't realize it... Never said I was smart! LOL Thanks guys - Looking forward to doing this together. And about that.... Think I'll change my name from GoingAlone to something else... Don't want to do this alone anymore! :)
  • Anyone?? :(