MapMyWalk app

Anyone use this? How do you like it? How does it work?? Does it *have to* post to your FB acct?? Can you link it up to here?


  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i just started using MapMyFitness as my husband's been liking it. same as MPW, but i believe it has some other options. it's pretty good - i like it showing the speeds and the route i'm walking, but if my HRM is to be believed, it's under-reporting my calorie burn. you can not link it to anything by creating a separate MapMyFitness or MapMyWalk account if you don't want to log in via fb (can't remember if this was an option, but if so, it's easy to avoid). you can also link it or not to MFP, as you prefer, and it will read some HRMs, as well.
  • Do you have to put in your route, or does it just GPS you? I'm assuming its the ladder of the two?
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    It will just GPS you, but you can save routes after and then have yourself compete on it.

    I use it 5 days a week =)
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Anyone use this? How do you like it? How does it work?? Does it *have to* post to your FB acct?? Can you link it up to here?

    Yes I use it, I like it, you open it and start walking. No you can turn off FB sharing and yes it syncs here.
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Anyone use this? How do you like it? How does it work?? Does it *have to* post to your FB acct?? Can you link it up to here?

    Yes I use it, I like it, you open it and start walking. No you can turn off FB sharing and yes it syncs here.

    wut!!! it syncs to MFP?!
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    Love it! Use it a couple of times a week! So convenient!
  • hellykill
    hellykill Posts: 59 Member
    Just started it. Love it. I can listen to my tunes and run and it does the work for me! I think it over estimates a bit on distance while I am on the track but I love that it keeps track of everything for me and connects to MFP. Give it a try it's FREE (my favorite hehe) :bigsmile:
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    Give it a try it's FREE (my favorite hehe) :bigsmile:


    Just give it a try for one run - I did and fell in love with it.
  • lisa_73
    lisa_73 Posts: 43
    I love it too! Synced here, and that is totally helpful :)
  • paygep
    paygep Posts: 401 Member
    The "mapmy..." apps are good, but I found that the RunKeeper app works better. They're both free apps... you might consider trying both! The RunKeeper app seems to do better with the GPS tracking, tracking me in the correct path I actually walked, where MapMyRun would always track me WAY off the path and then I would have to go back and manually correct my path online. I also like the 'announcer' feature on RunKeeper, it tells me when I've been one mile, how fast I'm going, etc. Both sync with MFP. Cheers!
  • I don't know if I downloaded something different or what, but I was not able to sync it to here.... I did sync it to FB though because it was easier to do that than to press that than to with my email, screen name, etc.

    I already did my treadmill workout this morning, but plan on going for a walk before I pick up my girls from school, so I'll use it then. Excited to try it out. I'm not worried about looking at the calories burnt, but it will be neat to see how far I go! :)
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I use MapMyRun (same thing, just a different color)

    I tried using different running apps with my phone's GPS, but my phones GPS stunk. I ended up using MapMyRun because it allowed me to manually create routes, and then just put my time in. I had a bunch of "regular" routes set up that I would use and it was a nice, easy way to track my progress.

    Eventually I got a Garmin GPS watch, and it syncs with MapMyRun. In fact, I have a hard time syncing with GarminConnect, but MapMYRun ALWAYS syncs.

    It does not have to post to FB, Twitter, or any other social media, though you can set it up to do that.

    It will sync to MFP. Only "issues" I have with that are: sometimes it rounds my pace way to much. If I ran an 10:30mile, it will sometimes post to my MFP feed as a 12/mile. Technically it doesn't matter, but goddammit... I don't want to LOOK slow to all my MFPfriends. (as if 10:30 is fast). the other issue is it doesn''t really import food from MFP with any regularity... but I don't use MMR for food tracking, so I don't care.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    I don't know if I downloaded something different or what, but I was not able to sync it to here....

    The syncing process is kind of weird. You have to install the "app" on MFP, then click on the link, which redirects you to MMW... which doesn't always work. It really seems to be a convoluted process. I think the issue is more on the MFP end.
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    Do you have to put in your route, or does it just GPS you? I'm assuming its the ladder of the two?

    both/either. It's up to you.
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    recalculating! (no way to delete?)
  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    I use the app on my phone every time I go for a walk. I think it's awesome. I also go to the website on my computer and manually enter exercises I do. I didn't sync it to facebook, but I did sync it to MyFitnessPal and Fitbit.
  • Murlin54
    Murlin54 Posts: 81 Member
    I don't know if I downloaded something different or what, but I was not able to sync it to here.... I did sync it to FB though because it was easier to do that than to press that than to with my email, screen name, etc.

    I already did my treadmill workout this morning, but plan on going for a walk before I pick up my girls from school, so I'll use it then. Excited to try it out. I'm not worried about looking at the calories burnt, but it will be neat to see how far I go! :)

    I had the same problem when I started using mapmyfitness. It just wouldn't sync to myfitness pal. Then I realized that you have to put your weight info into the app in order for it to calculate the calories. Doesn't make much sense, because all the other details go from myfitness pal to map my fitness, but that was exactly the problem. Once I did that, it worked perfectly. I told them this in a trouble ticket and they thanked me, but seems they haven't made it very clear for new users.

    Here is what I wrote to them:
    "I think the problem is resolved. I went to the help section and saw "getting started with the app". I found out there that I needed to enter my height and weight in order for the calorie calculation to happen. There was no mention of this in the set up instructions and everything on both ends appears to be ready to roll. I think most people would assume as I did the MMF would get the height and weight data directly from MFP since everything else from MFP did transfer into MMF. My previous workouts recorded in MFP did transfer over to MMF. Once I entered my height and weight it seems that it is now working fine. I responded to another user in MFP that was having the same problem and told them to check and see if they had entered their height and weight in MMF because their complaint was that MMF was not giving them any caloric calculation. Thanks for your help but I think my problem is resolved."
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    took forevs - but I got it to sync.
