that's what i'm afraid of LOL
Thanks for the post. Interesting information I will definately keep in mind
Thanks for the recipe. I definately give it a try. Sounds delicious
any recipe suggestions for beginners?
You can add me. I'm just getting started too:smile:
As soon as I am able to get in the floor and back up, I will definately try all of these exercise ideas. I appreciate all of the feedback! Thanks guys
I hurt my back lifting a patient at work. I have been to a doctor and he has me stretching but after it heals I want to know how to prevent injury again, besides the lifting techniques that have been drilled in my brain. LOL
When I first logged onto this site I was just about to give up, but I have some awesome people who immediately started motivating and encouraging me to not give up. It's only been a few weeks but I have a new outlook that I can actually do this. You hang in there and we will do this together!:smile:
Thanks for the information. I will defineately keep that in mind
We can do this together, feel free to add me:)
I have the dvd's and am currently taking the classes. The dvd's work fine but the classes are way more fun. :smile:
This sounds fun. I may not make the goal this month but am going to try my best. Thanks:happy:
I purchased zumba on You can get used copies, usually, pretty cheap. Hip Hop Abs is also fun!:wink:
I am fortunate to have a walking track outside where I work but laps around the parking lot on your lunch break is better than nothing. I'm new to this also and just getting started. Good Luck!
Thanks for the reply. I changed my diary settings to public. I will keep your advice in mind. I'm sure I need to increase exercise.:smile:
:smile: feel free to add me. I have 100 to loose also. We can do it!
I'm the same with water but have found that Aquafina doesn't have the bad after taste, No taste at all to me. Kool Aid liquid is a pretty good flavor to add without the calories but I don't like anything much with the artificial sweeteners. Good Luck!:ohwell:
North Carolina:tongue:
Would love to have friends going thru this with me. Have over 100 to loose and need motivation.