

  • Hi Everybody! Glad to have found this group! And enjoying all the posts... I'm joining this group to help me focus on slow and steady progress instead of on the scale - which seems to sabatoge me... My ultimate goal is to continue to lose inches, But, I have decided that for now, I need to avoid the SCALE as a the primary…
  • I'm into week 3 of a journey I've started (and quickly bailed on) so many times over the past 10 years as I've slowly and steadily gained approx 3 LBs a year (that breaks down to only a third of a pound a month, but oh how it's added up!) I've started to lose faith that I can really get rid of it... that I can really ever…
  • Wow! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story and have a wonderful birthday!!
  • SW: 183 W2W: 181.5 W2W: 178.5 W3W: 179 (up .5) TPL: 4 LBS
  • I'm on board! Even though I had a good weigh-in on Tuesday, I went out and indulged that evening for a friend's bday and didn't exercise Tues or Wed. I'm back on track today with a 45 min bike ride...What are you gals doing to step it up? Please do share!!
  • Can you believe it?!? Congrats, I'm happy for you too!! Let's do it again this week and see what happens! ... :happy:
  • Good for you!! Hope this also encourages you... last week I was also bloated/ on my cycle and this week I weighed into today down 3 LBS! One of the things I did two days before weigh in was to eat low carb dinners on Sun and Mon consisting of a turkey burger with cheddar cheese slice, tomoato slices, and 4% cottage cheese.…
  • SW:183 W1W:181.5 (-1.5 LBS) W2W:178.5 (-3 LBS) TWL: 4.5 LBS It's a miracle... I thought I was going to break even today, and was in such disbelief after weighing myself 5 times that I had my husband weigh himself to verify the scale wasn't broken!! Hallelujah!
  • Bummer... hope you feel better soon! Hopefully next week will be better... :-) Keep the faith!
  • I don't blame you. I haven't parted with my leftover cookies yet either...meant to take them to a friend that I was visiting this evening, but I conveniently forgot them... (Luckily my hubby got into them instead so we're down to only four now... btw, he has lost 30 LBS since we've been married, so... it's really ok for…
  • I'm glad I'm not the only one...Thank you for sharing! Feels good to get it off your chest, huh? Plus it sounds like you really did try to make some concessions but it just wasn't meant to be! I'll throw my left overs down the disposal if you do...Or maybe give the leftovers to a friend or neighbor? ... hmmm... the…
  • Same here! My user name is "back4good" - for good reason. To remind myself that it's time to get real and permanent in this effort to achieve a higher level of well-being and good health! We are all worthy!!! Anything is possible with consistency and determination. Establishing one good habit at a time will move us in the…
  • SW (start of challenge weight): 183 W1W (week 1 weigh in): 181.5 TPL (total pound loss): 1.5 Congrats to everyone from Florida!! This weigh in really motivated me to get re-focused quickly after going to the beach and not tracking for a few days...
  • I'm just starting to get serious again after gaining another 7 LBS over the past month or two!! Right now I'm really focused on tracking everything I eat and exercising daily if possible (even if it's just a 20 minute walk like today). My next step is to start planning my meals at least a day in advance (or more if…
    in Routines. Comment by back4good July 2012
  • I'm DEFINITELY in! I need to lose the weight and stay focused! CW: 183 GW: 163 Calorie Target: 1200