

  • My Aunt was telling me about this really good grain called Quinwa (i think thats how you spell it :/) but anyways she said its really good if you wilt spinach or something on top of it and add nuts and such to it I haven't tried it yet but I'm buying it today when i go shopping to try it out. You can find it at like a…
  • It happens to me too...I think your body just gets used to good food... It happened to me alot when I was a pescaterian and then started eating chicken and red meat again, at first i couldn't stomach it because my body wasn't used to the amount of fat that is in meat.... its just your body telling you that the food that…
  • SANDY!! :D I've stopped eating red meat too (and I'm definitely stopping once I get home) did you talk to your doctor about Metformin ER yet? I don't have those problems and my doctor said it helps with the sickness stuff :) just a suggestion!! and that breakfast sounds yummy!! I looked it up and red meat isn't good for us…
  • I am taking Metformin ER and I just started but so far I'm not have the nausea problems my friends who take regular metformin have..although I haven't lost weight yet I'll keep you posted on how it affects me. I'm also on OrthoTricyline (or how ever you spell it for my birthcontrol)
  • I also have PCOS and I'm having a really hard time keeping on track. Is anyone else on Metformin to help the weight loss? Do you guys have any tips?