

  • I do calisthenics, body weight exercises with very limited weights and bands. I used to lift weights but that would leave me hella sore and injured. Since I switched to mostly bodyweight I never get sore or hurt the way I used to and I like the more functional muscle definition too. I tried pilates too and it bored me out…
  • Hey that's a cool poster! It's good inspiration, thanks for bringing it up. Good luck with your routine!
  • I'm glad you stopped weighing yourself every day, that's no fun and not even a reliable weight loss tracker. I've heard once a week is a good recommendation for checking in. I decided to weigh myself once every two weeks so I don't feel like I'm obsessing over it and I can actually look forward to it with some excitement.
  • I just started out, 28lbs to lose, and I am losing 1lb per week. That isn't earth shattering progress but it is nice and steady. I tried eating less (MFP recommended 1200 calories) but I felt like I was starving and it led to binging, so I ate more instead, 1500 calories and I'm not starving and still losing weight. Some…
  • Those are all great exercises and I hear great things about the DASH diet. I hope exercising more can help you feel relaxed, stressing out about how well you're controlling your stress is no fun.