

  • Way to go McClelland! 1000 calories and you didn't eat back your exercise deficit probably? 1000 calories or better is not VLCD.... wiki it.... Same here, I'm not as impressive as you but I'm almost 50 and had some gnarly past injuries to overcome, but I'm close to my 100 lb 'loss' mark. My Dr. also took blood work,…
  • Ok, so here we go (I had to go take my physical fitness break from the computer). Yes, feast and starvation, we as humans have evolved to endure these ups and downs. Eons of evolution (or creatism, your choice) has evolved us to this point, but I think the point is long term self inflicted starvation can/does lead to…
  • I'm so not advocating that forbidden diet, in fact I saw the ill effects of that first hand... trying to relay that danger to others.
  • Kerimanuel, I hope my information has been helpful, without judgement.... I know the feeling and it's not readily available information (seriously who knew it would be so hard?) I'm an educated woman and my Dr had to S-P-E-L-L it out for me... I was told the same thing, eat less ya fat slob! but what wasn't being told to…
  • yeah, MFP screams at me if I hit that 'complete this entry' button and I've not hit the 1200 calorie mark. BIG RED letters telling me I don't eat enough. I just use it as a quick way to journal my food, ultimately my Dr. decides how much I need to eat and what ranges I should stay in... A healthier way to look at this is…
  • and the whole idea behind working out? so you CAN eat without creating fat! if your daily activities require 800 calories (just an example) and you're intaking 1800, 1000 is going to be stored as fat. It's hard to get the calcium you need without drinkin' the milk right? so you need that 'milk' for the micronutrient of…
  • According to my Dr. eating back your calories you gain from exercise should happen after you've hit your goal weight. When you burn 400 calories in exercise class, you're not burning off your nutrition, you're not burning 400 calories of calcium or 400 calories of Iron, you're burning 400 calories of macronutrients that…
  • what helped me, and this is just my observations.... eating cleanly took the weight off me. Cleanly meaning whole foods. Instead of a bag of trail mix (reasonably healthy in most people's eyes) I made trail mix from raw nuts and thinly sliced and dried veggies and fruits without preservatives, stabalizers and added sugars.…
  • The question should be how small is the person and how accurate is that calorie count? I had a friend who was eating 1000 calories a day and gaining weight..... in reality she was eating about 2000 calories a day and not exercising. I had another friend go on the HCG 500 calories a day diet, she weighed her food and…
  • wow! A really heated thread here! I preface my post with this: My Doctor put me on a restricted calorie diet because I used to be fit and thin and I have a slight frame despite my measurements, my bones are small, my wrists = thin, my fingers = thin etc. Everything except my butt, belly, hips, thighs etc... I got FAT. I…
  • LOL @ Mr. Foley.... DOWN BY THE RIVER! and I love the memes.... to toss in my 2c. sometimes getting over something means getting under it so you can see it from the belly up... meaning you have to sink low to get back up... last time I checked it's a free country, so don't read it, or do read it and get explosive, it's…
  • I get up at 3.50 to get my dogs fed before I head to the gym, I'm in the pool swimming laps by 4.30 (the only time ALL the lanes aren't being taken up!) I swim from 4.30 to 5AM. It's MY time, I swim and listen to a waterproof Mp3 player and think about the day ahead. it's so totally worth it. I started it about 3 weeks ago…
  • I have to 'weigh' in on this.... because I slashed my calories and made a dramatic change..... however it was under the supervision of a Doctor, a real MD... I was obese and at risk for several health related problems. I have arthritis in my knees and had an heel surgery. So the first step was to get to a weight my legs…
  • I have 146 lbs to lose I've lost 52, I'm like you tho an concentrating on the first 100. I am seeing a dr. because i was so unfit and so unhealthy. Now I'm just below average, so maybe one day I will excel!? I started out swimming then slowly tried out different equipment at the gym. My advice: 1- If you can, see a doctor…
  • My Dr. just put me on this.... Phentermine @ 37mg per day. I am pushing 300 lbs and have arthritis of the knees. I have steadily been declining in health and gaining weight since getting the diagnosis but because it's not 'bad' enough to warrant surgery for me yet. I tried Synvisc (synthetic synovial fluid) but had an…