
  • LACnessMonster
    LACnessMonster Posts: 25 Member
  • CupcakeCrusoe
    CupcakeCrusoe Posts: 1,386 Member
    i hate to be the negative nelly but did you "get over it" by getting gastric surgery? hence the phrase "gastric to fantastic" in your profile?

    What if I told you that many on this site, myself included, feel that gastric surgery is an extreme way to lose weight, and even more so, a form of cheating to lose weight.

    Now think of how you feel when I said that last statement. When you tell people to "get over it" that is how they feel, defensive.


    OP- seriously? Your toughness inspires no one, helps no one, and ultimately just draws aggro. I suggest you get over it.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    You know I think you're rad. But everyone has their own struggles and adversities and yelling at them to get over it won't help. It won't help my brain condition that's kept me in bed for two days now. I can't "get over" being unable to walk without falling. I don't make excuses, and I don't b*tch about my lot in life (though right now, I might be feeling a bit of self pity - not being able to walk with two kids kinda sucks, and I'm sick of my bed) - but I wouldn't begrudge someone who does. They will, in their time, find their own path.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    i hate to be the negative nelly but did you "get over it" by getting gastric surgery? hence the phrase "gastric to fantastic" in your profile?

    What if I told you that many on this site, myself included, feel that gastric surgery is an extreme way to lose weight, and even more so, a form of cheating to lose weight.

    Now think of how you feel when I said that last statement. When you tell people to "get over it" that is how they feel, defensive.

    Beat me to it.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    edited December 2014
    i hate to be the negative nelly but did you "get over it" by getting gastric surgery? hence the phrase "gastric to fantastic" in your profile?

    wondering as well.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Is it just me, or did anyone else read this post in the voice of Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker?


    ha, that skit is awesome...

    the part where he falls through the table and Carvey and Applegate can't stop laughing is AWESOME
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    You know I think you're rad. But everyone has their own struggles and adversities and yelling at them to get over it won't help. It won't help my brain condition that's kept me in bed for two days now. I can't "get over" being unable to walk without falling. I don't make excuses, and I don't b*tch about my lot in life (though right now, I might be feeling a bit of self pity - not being able to walk with two kids kinda sucks, and I'm sick of my bed) - but I wouldn't begrudge someone who does. They will, in their time, find their own path.

    What this lady said.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    or in the OP's case just have gastric bypass surgery ....wamp wamp waaaaaaaa
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    i hate to be the negative nelly but did you "get over it" by getting gastric surgery? hence the phrase "gastric to fantastic" in your profile?

    What if I told you that many on this site, myself included, feel that gastric surgery is an extreme way to lose weight, and even more so, a form of cheating to lose weight.

    Now think of how you feel when I said that last statement. When you tell people to "get over it" that is how they feel, defensive.

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Is it just me, or did anyone else read this post in the voice of Matt Foley, Motivational Speaker?


    ha, that skit is awesome...

    the part where he falls through the table and Carvey and Applegate can't stop laughing is AWESOME

    I love when the SNL skits are so funny that even the actors crack up... the one with Justin Timberlake impersonating Jimmy Fallon, in front of Jimmy Fallon recently was the best...

  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    or in the OP's case just have gastric bypass surgery ....wamp wamp waaaaaaaa

    So, in other words he took action to improve his situation rather than just sitting around complaining about it.

    Sounds sensible to me.
  • LOL @ Mr. Foley.... DOWN BY THE RIVER! and I love the memes.... to toss in my 2c. sometimes getting over something means getting under it so you can see it from the belly up... meaning you have to sink low to get back up... last time I checked it's a free country, so don't read it, or do read it and get explosive, it's your temper tantrum.... just know that each person is different... judge not least you be judged in return.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    or in the OP's case just have gastric bypass surgery ....wamp wamp waaaaaaaa

    I don't think there is a "just" in having gastric bypass. A very dear friend of mine had it done about a year ago - there was nothing easy about it. The process was long and difficult - and she still has limitations on food and an exercise program she has to stick to. She, like any of us, had to change her entire lifestyle to be successful.
  • NerdieMcChub
    NerdieMcChub Posts: 153 Member
    I agree with you for the most part. I self pity sometimes. I don't blame anything else for when I overeat. That's on me.

    But this is struggle because of my health issues. I have it harder than those that don't have health problems. I'm young. I should be able to lose weight like a "normal" person. It's discouraging. It's depressing.

    I don't make excuses because of my disease. I do try to make others aware that not all people who are fat, depressed, and discouraged are making excuses. I have a legitimate "excuse," but I don't look at it as an excuse. Obstacle, definitely.

    My autoimmune disease isn't what makes me eat too much or the wrong foods.

    However, now that I have my health issues turning around, being treated properly, on the right medications, on the right diet plans (per my doctor), I should, logically, be able to lose weight now. This is why I'm back on MFP. It will take more time still, but now, I know it's possible to do it with the right tools and support.

    Also, just throwing this in here, but you're a bit hypocritical. Judging others. Why didn't you "get over it" instead of getting surgery? By no means am I implying it's easy, I'm sure it's not, but it doesn't do anything for you that you couldn't do yourself. You could have gathered the will power to put the cake down.

    Don't judge others. This post opened you up to judging.
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    Complaining burns so many calories though. I can't stop or the scale will go up again.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    It's frustrating to read and frustrating to hear from people you know. I'm sick of people in response to what I've achieved whine about how they wish they could do likewise. It's insulting because it's like they're suggesting I've done this through luck and good fortune and just ignore the years of hard work and discipline I've put in. I'm sure I should be more understanding of their frustration, but when they just write off your efforts like that - I struggle to want to sympathise.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I'm just in to watch the fire...
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    It's frustrating to read and frustrating to hear from people you know. I'm sick of people in response to what I've achieved whine about how they wish they could do likewise. It's insulting because it's like they're suggesting I've done this through luck and good fortune and just ignore the years of hard work and discipline I've put in. I'm sure I should be more understanding of their frustration, but when they just write off your efforts like that - I struggle to want to sympathise.

    Someone recently told me how lucky I was. I almost punched them in the face.
  • Silentfool
    Silentfool Posts: 189 Member
    I gotta be honest, I am frustrated. I realize that everyones journey is their own....totally get it. But I am sick of seeing people whine and complain.....sick of seeing them sabotage themselves and blame circumstances, holidays and failed relationships. Someone needs to say "GET OVER IT!" Seriously, I had to tell it to myself and I still to this day say it to myself. You cannot wallow in self pity. You cannot blame gorging yourself with food that is killing you on anyone else but yourself. I did it for years. I played the victim. I blamed being busy, other people, my kids and the fact that I simply liked food "too much" to give it up. I wish someone would have kicked me in the *kitten* long ago. If this is you....GET OVER IT! Step up to the plate and choose life. There is nothing or no one that can get in your way....except you! I love you so much. You can do it!

    If you are sick of seeing people sabotage themselves and blame circumstances..... dont look.... you dont have to read posts. You choose to read posts, and if you are not choosing to read posts, your statment is totally based on the little headlines on the homepage. A headline does not tell the whole story, it just allows you to jump to an opinion.

    BTW I am really glad you got over it and stepped up to the plate and have choosen life.
  • Silentfool
    Silentfool Posts: 189 Member
    i hate to be the negative nelly but did you "get over it" by getting gastric surgery? hence the phrase "gastric to fantastic" in your profile?

    What if I told you that many on this site, myself included, feel that gastric surgery is an extreme way to lose weight, and even more so, a form of cheating to lose weight.

    Now think of how you feel when I said that last statement. When you tell people to "get over it" that is how they feel, defensive.

    I love this ^^^^^